R&L | Info on the employee conference


TB Lurker
The conference will be held at the Roberts Centre,across from the Wilmington terminal. The on line info says that it will accomodate up to 5000 people,and there is a Holiday Inn attached to it. I last heard that there are around 10,000employees at R&L,so almost half of us could/should be able to fit in there. The problem may be gettin a place to stay. The last time I was in Wilmington there wasn't much there once you got away from that exit,maybe things have changed since then. If you plan to go on your own dime then I would suggest trying to book a room early. I still have to confirm that we ALL can attend reguardless of if you are picked or not. If we can I will see you there.

Google Roberts Centre for more info on the facility.
there are motels 15 miles north of the yard,a couple in wilmington proper, and like the man said a ton of them as close as exit 25,rl is at the 50.might want to go online check out great wolf lodge at kings island,has indoor water park.many motels at this exit.lets hope we hear good things at this meeting.been too much uncertainty and rumors last few months.i am a team driver and would like to know if there will be any company teams left.seems like they would need some.with the after Christmas slo down coming, seems like a lot of o/os,outside carriers, and compnay drivers to divvy up what freight we will; have doubts we will all work this winter. hope foe the best