Jeff, I received a private message

I received a private message, and I have all my privacy settings turned on. Is Rosemary here a Russian plant? How is this possible on the most secure trucking site?

I wonder if anyone else got a similar message?
That person registered in 2020 ..
I heard Rosemary is a second cousin to Volodymer Zelensky funneling money to the cause from a mulch producing operation in North Carolina………

It's either that or since she has a Los Angeles phone number, she wants to scam me out of my rainwater, sell me a Tesla, or ask me to put solar panels on my house.

And if it is for a relationship, i'm not vegan, don't have rainbow hair and don't like socialism so I don't think we would be a good match.
Herb Thomas was a race driver that drove a Hudson Hornet.
Have no idea what Rosemary drives.
where do i go wide awake GIF