TForce | June Meetings - be prepared.

BusterNite said:
The CD came out, The Teamsters are talking. The Upsf employees are talking union. Has anyone from upsf asked the employees what their issues/complaints are. NO!!!!!!!!!!!Has anything changed for the better. NO!!!!! Forget about it!!!!!!!!!!!

An excellent point and one that worries me as a non-union supporter. But I will say this. If this is their best response then I guess I will accept the union with open arms.

I don't expect miracles from these meetings but I do hope for the best and will accept whatever winds up happening.
SO.....We have a bid system right? Well how is it that the company is telling Denver and Salt Lake drivers they have til this Friday to decide if they want to transfer to the O yard and then bid on Sunday?????????? So much for abidung by the rules UH!!!!!!!
Same Old Song And Dance

Well it was a strange meeting indeed. Not much made of the record quarterly revenues that our newly formed freight division posted. More or less a informercial for UPSF to chant their "vision" again. To be honest here, quarterly meetings used to be more about financial investments and operational improvements. Instead it reminded me of when I was originally hired by "O". Videos and slids on how great we are and how bad the teamsters are. First of all, we have a long way to go to be "great". And as for the Teamsters organizing effort. The slid that says "It is managements belief that UPSF is better off non-union" is what there meeting agenda was really all about. Anything that was brought up was refered to "we'll get back to you on that one". Same old song and dance.
hugnlug said:
Well it was a strange meeting indeed. Not much made of the record quarterly revenues that our newly formed freight division posted. More or less a informercial for UPSF to chant their "vision" again. To be honest here, quarterly meetings used to be more about financial investments and operational improvements. Instead it reminded me of when I was originally hired by "O". Videos and slids on how great we are and how bad the teamsters are. First of all, we have a long way to go to be "great". And as for the Teamsters organizing effort. The slid that says "It is managements belief that UPSF is better off non-union" is what there meeting agenda was really all about. Anything that was brought up was refered to "we'll get back to you on that one". Same old song and dance.

That blows my mind.... Numbers are not good things are not going as needed to make UPS happy...But hey as long as we are non-union its all good....And companies get shut down WHY??