XPO | Ladies and Gentlemen lend me your eyes


TB Veteran
I am going to make it simple for everyone. Be nice or be gone. What is happening is going to displace and uproot our co-workers. We are not alone in this industry. I will know the rumors from the truth. Be truthful. And most of all be nice!
:hide: Part of the truth is, according to my SCM, all building maintenence people were let go as of today. :smilie_132:
There was a fatality ... that was the main reason.
:hide: Yes it was. Worker was up high on a scissor lift, some how it toppled, killing him. Now the lawyers say that since the maintenence people are not certified in all the different type of jobs they do, their positions should be eliminated. They have been. We will be using outside contractors....won't this be a nightmare? :smilie_132:
:hide: Yes it was. Worker was up high on a scissor lift, some how it toppled, killing him. Now the lawyers say that since the maintenence people are not certified in all the different type of jobs they do, their positions should be eliminated. They have been. We will be using outside contractors....won't this be a nightmare? :smilie_132:
:hide: As additional info, severance packages are in place. I have no idea how much. :smilie_132:
I am going to make it simple for everyone. Be nice or be gone. What is happening is going to displace and uproot our co-workers. We are not alone in this industry. I will know the rumors from the truth. Be truthful. And most of all be nice!

We got your back W99. All eyes on this forum.

Once again, please read the rules to avoid any problems.

The time to act is now, very tough decisions have been made to continue to take Con-way into the future.
I wish all the affected workers the best. :console: Try to stay positive and definitely take advantage of the career counseling they will provide.
My friends at conway I am sorry to here this, I hope you all land on your feet. To my friends at xmr I am sorry this happened, I left in April, I always said if I leave their is something going on. I miss all of you....They were spending a dime to make a nickel.
As a former Con-Way employee, I hate to hear this. I consider most everyone I worked with in XCL a friend when I was there, and although I don't really talk to anyone that's still working there, I hope everything works out in the end for everyone, weather you are being displaced or not.
My heart goes out to those who have served well, and have given our customers and our company their absolute best.
In addition to some Hard Choices, one might be to inclined to fill out the cards with ALL CHOICES. That way, you could quite possibly keep your job. Yes, you may have to move... but consider the alternative...
:hide: As additional info, severance packages are in place. I have no idea how much. :smilie_132:

Well I was one of the first waves to be let go early this year the severance wasn't to bad. It kept me and myfamily going for a month until I could land another job. It was something like a weeks pay for every year in and then prorate of yearly bonus and some then they paid for all the vaction and sick tim I had left.
I know this may not be in line with the current mood, but today I spoke to a couple drivers who were going to have to go to another service center, and they said they were genuinely excited now that they have had a couple days to let it set in...new scenery, different view...just wondering how others around the country are doing...I am not looking at this through rose colored glasses, just something I encountered today...
Don't mean to butt in--i'm a victim of the same thing from another company;like everyone says, best of luck to all involved but you will get through it!! Have good friends in lima and ft. Wayne terminals, any word on those 2 being downsized?
I know this may not be in line with the current mood, but today I spoke to a couple drivers who were going to have to go to another service center, and they said they were genuinely excited now that they have had a couple days to let it set in...new scenery, different view...just wondering how others around the country are doing...I am not looking at this through rose colored glasses, just something I encountered today...

I heard from one of the Chico drivers and he was pretty upbeat about it. He is choosing to leave the company and take advantage of the career counseling to get out of trucking all together. He will also be getting close to 20 grand from his severance pay. He is looking at this as his opportunity to start a whole new career. I also spoke to a Palm Springs driver and he already found another job in Banning hauling chemicals for 25 an hour , also ran into a Chula Vista driver who told me that mostly everybody in that barn will be going to San Diego, witch is only a 10min commute for him, so there will be very little job loss there. The only people that seem to be getting the shaft seem to be some of the supervisors like the WI in Bakersfield and the FOS in Oakland who are going to be terminated. Even the FOS in Oakland didn't seem that upset about it. Seems to me like he happy with his severance package.