Yellow | Laying Off From the Top First?


TB Lurker
I know this may sound silly. But there could ever be a possibility of going down thru the old timers at the top of the board and offering them full layoff. I'm sure some are well off and on the verge of retiring and could use a break and collect unemployment while playing golf in nice warm Florida. While the rest of us freeze. They may decide they like setting back and doing nothing and getting a well deserved pension. But if they want to come back they would be the first ones called. I would guess some would go for it.
I actually tried to do that one time when I drove for Red Star.The company said I could take a lay off if I wanted but they wouldn't pay any unemployment. But the Union said no way,It had to be the bottom guys who got layed off first.
Been a Teamster for 29 years now and untill I started in ltl 12 years ago I was always allowed a "voluntary layoff". Was shocked when I tried to invoke it at Rdwy and told no way. :nono: Got the impression it was our company labor rep that was against it tho. Hell at the time I was gonna use it as a stop gap "just in case" to work another job and maybe get out of this hole. Junior man was looking forward to me leaving too, never could figure out who else it would have bothered :shrug:
What would you like to see next? Maybe bidding from the bottom up.

Cujo, did you miss the word voluntary? My dad retired from Ford last year. When it was time for layoffs, they offered top down, and then forced bottom up. Not sure what problem you would have with the option of taking a layoff, it would just be another benefit of your seniority.
I know this may sound silly. But there could ever be a possibility of going down thru the old timers at the top of the board and offering them full layoff. I'm sure some are well off and on the verge of retiring and could use a break and collect unemployment while playing golf in nice warm Florida. While the rest of us freeze. They may decide they like setting back and doing nothing and getting a well deserved pension. But if they want to come back they would be the first ones called. I would guess some would go for it.

I know that this may sound silly to you but the TEAMSTERS that you speak of went through the same thing you are going through now and more with strikes ,lockouts and picket lines to mention a few ,they earned everything they have and are probably working to keep what they worked so hard for over the years . If anyone has a problem with that then they really need to look at the people that they vote into office in our government,I've seen more and more so called TEAMSTERS over the years voting for polititions that are antilabor . I know that I am old and came from a different generation than most of you guys but way back then ,dad earnened the money and mom stayed home and took care of the house chores and made sure we kids had all of our needs and kept us in line.Then along came Ronnie Reagan who seemed to think that dad and unions were makeing too much and him and his party started making laws to make it so that mom had to go to work to help keep the family going and it has been going ever since,right down the :shit:ter.Hell I could be out of your hair today if it wasn't for that piece of you know what but as it is I will have to work until I'm at least 65 and maybe then some thanks to the TEAMSTERS that think the "Right Wing" is doing so good for them,so think about that while your laid off and I'm busting my balls just to maintaine what I have been able to aquire in the last 8 yrs. at Yellow and it took 38 years to get here.
Am I the only one thinking this dude is hitting the sauce a little early? Take a deep breath Buf----now exhale---again---
I know I am missing something. I still can't figure out how the being offered the option of voluntarily taking time off is a threat to anything or anyone.
Must be a local thing or something we ar'nt prevee to cuz from the response of a couple of guys they sure did'nt read what I did in the post :smilie_132:
That's the way it works at our barn, the top guys take the day so the junior ones can work, unless the junior ones want to take the layoff. It's not perfect, but if the co is going to sit people home, we try to work together to spread the pain.

Going back to wait for the phone to ring now...gonna be a long winter! UC folks were glad to hear from me yesterday...
That's the way it works at our barn, the top guys take the day so the junior ones can work, unless the junior ones want to take the layoff. It's not perfect, but if the co is going to sit people home, we try to work together to spread the pain.

Going back to wait for the phone to ring now...gonna be a long winter! UC folks were glad to hear from me yesterday...

That is very commendable and leaves me in awe. Our barn WOULD NEVER do something like that and I will just stop there. Once again, that is really something to see! :1036316054:
At Roadway K.C. they offer C.C'S (Company Convience) starting at the top, this is a day to day thing, layoff is bottom up, no offer for top to take layoff first. Mustache Retired Roadway:smilie_132:
Some of the responses of this thread are exactly why I don't post much here. Somebody could say the sun rises in the east and sets in the west and it would still get someone's shorts in a bunch. Plus blame it all on politics. I've got 18 years with the teamsters in 3 different companies in two different conferences. All my 18 years are equally split between the road, dock and the city. I've done my time in the trenches and have met, looked up to, and gained the respect of the old timers I've worked with. I've known and still know some with 30+ years in that need a break from the constant life of working in this industry. Be it on the dock, waiting on the phone, or driving 3000 miles a week. I'm just saying some would jump at the chance to take the winter off, warm their toes by the fire and take a nap in the afternoon. Plus maybe decide if retirement is for them. Just my opinion. I'm going back to non posting status now.
Sorry if I pissed on someone's Wheaties.
Some of the responses of this thread are exactly why I don't post much here. Somebody could say the sun rises in the east and sets in the west and it would still get someone's shorts in a bunch. Plus blame it all on politics. I've got 18 years with the teamsters with 3 different companies in two different conferences. All my 18 years are equally split between the road, dock and the city. I've done my time in the trenches and have met, looked up to, and gained the respect of the old timers I've worked with. I've known and still know some with 30+ years in that need a break from the constant life of working in this industry. Be it on the dock, waiting on the phone, or driving 3000 miles a week. I'm just saying some would jump at the chance to take the winter off, warm their toes by the fire and take a nap in the afternoon. Plus maybe decide if retirement is for them. Just my opinion. I'm going back to non posting status now.
Sorry if I pissed on someone's Wheaties.
At Roadway K.C. they offer C.C'S (Company Convience) starting at the top, this is a day to day thing, layoff is bottom up, no offer for top to take layoff first. Mustache Retired Roadway:smilie_132:

I don't believe in CC, I only do SC ( Steve's Convience).
Barney, don't sweat it, some like myself have lots o time to reflect on situations like these - hence my ID...

The argument could be made this kind of throws the favor towards the co side, but ABF has been doing this for a long time, and the only defense that our local has been able to exert is with protecting shipments over 10,000 lb. Still haven't found out the answer there, or how the co can still give away non-direct svc points, or any work for that matter while I'm sitting home, but I don't have any leverage at the bottom of the pile to raise hell.

Don't think anyone is bashing you specifically, can't figure why all cos don't do this. They'd rather work sr guys until they drop, and let jrs starve? Or srs just protecting seniority, don't blame them. They like hiring every spring? The vibe I get is that some view this a threat to seniority, and us at the bottom should be glad to wait our turn.

I wonder - if I ever make it to the top of the pile, will I be working to make up for lost time, or pay it forward for the next batch?

The way things are going, it will take 40 yrs for me to get 20 yrs into my pension! And that's assuming ABF doesn't bail on the Pension funds...but that's in another thread. At least I have my youth!