Yellow | LCP - Rebid numbers


Stan Smith

Please let me know if any numbers are off at all....

Total of 240 bids
(dock, city, road)

63 total bids
6 combo
17 extra board

25 Jockey bids
10 JX

27 Road bids
3 supplement
10 fast turn
15 RX

47 City bids
10 extra board

Once again, please let me know if these numbers are off in any way...

:USA:YouTube - The American Dream:USA:
I'm with you except for the road

5 charolette/greenville
3 columbus
8 time departure relays
19 fast tun time departures
35 road bids total

3 supplemental
15 road extra board
10 fast turn
28 total

grand total 63
you had 55 road
difference 8
read between the lines...

The magic number is 240!
That is the total of all bids and xtra boards! So that means 170+ men must leave LCP or there will be a layoff! Mr. S (eastern regional president) told us "We gotta grow this bastard":hysterical: My humble opinion, that's total BS! Roadway is getting the short dock...I believe it's time for me to fly....
I'm with you except for the road

5 charolette/greenville
3 columbus
8 time departure relays
19 fast tun time departures
35 road bids total

3 supplemental
15 road extra board
10 fast turn
28 total

grand total 63
you had 55 road
difference 8

Thanks for the numbers... :1036316054:
I heard the phone bid is going to be at the eden resort, For those of yo uthat may not know where that is.

Rt 30 to Rt 272 TURN at the Sheetz, Hotel is next to it.

GOOD Luck to everyone maybe i can move up into a better house with some of you leaving.
We we're supposed to meet at the restraunt garfield's there at 8:30 am for breakfast, but the website says they open at 11. Go figure........