Logbook HOS Scanner/Analyzer


TB Lurker
I know the US is trying to push for the e-logs these days but for many of the small guys they are having a tough time to move over to new hardware.

Until then, I think there's some helpfulness if there is an app that lets you take a picture of the log (you have to fill in the graph yourself) but then the app can tell you whether you're compliant in your hours. Talking with some drivers there's some mistakes here and there so this might be a good way to ensure one is remaining legal.

If anybody would find this useful, I do some programming in my spare time so I could try to spend some time...let me know if you're interested!
Well Mate,
after reading your other posts, you appear to be someone interested in Helpful Technology.

I've been attempting to be "compliant" in H.O.S. and sometimes catch errors yet usually not the same day, so such a potential program suggests positive application.

I've just recently purchased a Moto Z Play Droid operating in Marshmallow 6.0.1 and will be learning operations for a wee bit.


A) Is programming just a "spare time" skill?

Thanx Mate. CHEERS!!
Hi Cerberus - definitely seems like an application for drivers that sometimes make mistakes (not for their own fault). I think perhaps if I make a quick beta then it would be helpful!

As for your question, programming can be a spare time skill - but you need to have determination to learn enough to do some damage. The great thing about this is this can be done in your spare time!