Central Transport | Losing runs to milian


TB Lurker
Since the merger monday Vitran drivers have been losing their runs to Milian employees. I have not been affected by this but many are starting to become fustrated by this misleading Vitran administration. We were told that Milian employees were to start over as new employees, keep their equipment and their runs. No one said anything about Vitran employees losing their runs, I guess they decided to leave that part out. I have watched and heard from other terminal's drivers that this is happening where ever this merger has taken placed. I'm starting to notice the drivers who are affected by this are becoming frustrated with the new employees. We just started getting over the hump with the other mergers in the past and once again being sent back to hostile situations within Vitrans work place. My suggestion would be for Vitran to treat Milian employees as new employees and start out at the bottom of every board, before this reckless behaviour gets out of hand once again.