FedEx Freight | Medical Insurance Carrier Change


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New insurance first of the year. United Health . I dont know why my photos post side ways. But info comes out today
New insurance first of the year. United Health . I dont know why my photos post side ways. But info comes out today

Had United Healthcare. I would much prefer them to Blue Cross. Hopefully they will work out well for us
Just had a usf driver telling me how bad the union is screwing them. Doubt people will go for Teamsters.

Nobody wants to deal with the teamsters. I'm eyeing Communication Workers of America. I have a small group ready to sign, but I've also been doing more research and educating myself on the topic. I want to be able to answer questions when they're asked and I want us all to be on the same page.
Your the one complaining. I'm doing just fine, not getting screwed at all. It could always be better, Union ain't going to do :::shit::: but promise everything under the sun! Make sure you go for it!
I'm not complaining lol. I can tell you one thing the only time they ever gave us a big raise and didn't raise our insurance was the big union scare. They also relaxed alot on many rules policy during the union scare. Now that its gone its back to ::shit:: raises and higher insurance with ::shit:: coverage. Is a union 100% perfect absolutely not. Just remember one thing Fedex was scared when the union stuff was going on. The biggest reason why is one word CONTROL!!!! They have 100% total control over you guys. You have ZERO say in pay raises, health insurance, rules and policies. Union comes in they lose that 100% control.
I'm not complaining lol. I can tell you one thing the only time they ever gave us a big raise and didn't raise our insurance was the big union scare. They also relaxed alot on many rules policy during the union scare. Now that its gone its back to :::shit::: raises and higher insurance with :::shit::: coverage. Is a union 100% perfect absolutely not. Just remember one thing Fedex was scared when the union stuff was going on. The biggest reason why is one word CONTROL!!!! They have 100% total control over you guys. You have ZERO say in pay raises, health insurance, rules and policies. Union comes in they lose that 100% control.
Union didn't stop their employees from getting a 15% pay cut. Also doesn't stop from lowering the pension amounts.