Yellow | missed pickups!


TB Regular
I have Learned that if ROADWAY misses a pickup , it is not a mised pickup if it is rescheduled. WOW If I were a customer I would be pissed off!!! Roadways policies do not benefit the customer just internal number is all that matters to the company. I guess if these "internal numbers" stay the same and we lose these customers that are "rescheduled" I suppose that mgmt pensions wont be paid again because we dont have that customer anymore. Boo Hoo! break my heart( in my opinion that is what they get for lying to the customer, and yes they do lie to the customer! god bless the teamster that cares for the company!
its like when we send emptys down the road with a dock full of freight,emptys dont count toward load factory ,if you just quickly floor out that truck and get 5 or 6 bills in there b4 it leaves then load factor would be negetive and would count against us but at least its better than sending it out without anything in it ,plus you do get those 5 or 6 bills down the road. i guess #s are more important than customers are
in hagerstown, yellow picks up our freight and we pick up theirs, no missed pickups

This is called Teamwork you both are on the same team now. Just wait till you guys hear what is going to happen with USF Holland. Duct tape your socks to your legs and strap your hats on tight.
I have Learned that if ROADWAY misses a pickup , it is not a mised pickup if it is rescheduled. WOW If I were a customer I would be pissed off!!! Roadways policies do not benefit the customer just internal number is all that matters to the company. I guess if these "internal numbers" stay the same and we lose these customers that are "rescheduled" I suppose that mgmt pensions wont be paid again because we dont have that customer anymore. Boo Hoo! break my heart( in my opinion that is what they get for lying to the customer, and yes they do lie to the customer! god bless the teamster that cares for the company!

Management pensions are temporarily on hold until next year. Not that they planned on this re-alignment when they froze the old plan.