Reddaway | No Commitment to Drivers or Customers



We have a depenable group of safe drivers that have given a big part of their life to service the customer. Many of us have put in many long days or nights for alot of years. Where is the respect from management for drivers or customers? At my terminal, rookie dock workers with a class A in their pocket, replace senior drivers on the street. Management sets up long days for guys who have young kids, and then they themselves go home early. Customers are missed, because guys on layoff are not called back when needed. Where is the respect from management for the drivers who helped build this company? Where is the commitment to customers who were promised we would be there? I know your reading this Big Bob Pebble, or one of your informants is. Where is your leadership?
It's all about the dollar, and nothing else................saving it, not spending it
There is no company loyalty towards the employee any longer. Companies are only after their bottom line. Long gone is the day that the employer would fight to keep their senior employees. Longevity and devotion mean nothing anymore. Reddaway was once a great, money making, service oriented company. YRC has ruined everything Reddaway has stood for and built. I have worked for Reddaway since the Jared days (early '90s)...I am sure glad I worked for Reddaway when I did. Good times, good memories, good employees and good customers. Wouldn't trade it for anything. Now, all I can say is I am sure glad I don't work there any longer. Thanks for the ride Reddaway! And thanks for nothing YRC!
Miss the good old days when we got handed a frozen turkey at Thanksgiving and had a choice of an apple or pumpkin pie and the monthly B - day cakes with everyone's name that had a B-day that month on it and of course the tree give aways and one for every employee.
When companys like CF and Bestway get shut down the crappy management ends up at good companys and helps take them down as well.