Yellow | No Rent Money?

Haha you mean the company who just keeps opening new terminal after new terminal? You mean the debt free company operating in the high 70’s that just gave drivers a $2/hr and $.035/mile raise? The company paying $34/hr and $0.84/mile?


Some facilities need some improvement, sure. 90% of trucking facilities do. But Estes is building and remodeling all over the country but the biggest thing is——They’re doing it debt free and answer to no one. Pretty crazy huh?
Estes is the most financially secure carrier in the country, by far
I never said Estes wasn’t profitable, I never said they didn’t just give us a very nice raise, and I didn’t say they didn’t have some nice facilities.
What I said was a lot of their facilities are in terrible shape. We’ve been in that Memphis terminal for over 13 years now and it’s an absolute mess. The irony is Estes is upset over cracked concrete at the leased YRC yards but you can’t walk around a lot of our own yards without looking down so you don’t fall into a pit.

I’m glad we’re doing so well. It’s embarrassing when a will-call customer comes to pick up their freight and has to maneuver an obstacle course of craters from the gate to the dock though. I guess it keeps them from speeding.
Yet there are some who think the Jack Cooper company can resurrect this corpse of a company?
I think it is some crazed people reopening the wounds...
It's just a move to make the Boston Meathead look like he's doing something other than going to Hollywood or DC to get his clock cleaned.