Yellow | Numbers and letters


TB Regular
Hello I am from Roadway and we have numbers as terminals and I know that yellow has letters as terminals. Since we are combining I think that everyone ought to know the terminal codes or letters that represent them. I hope everyone can participate!
st louis 341 roadway
kansas city 342 roadway

Im sure that you get the clue, thanks and have a good day!:1036316054:

Valdosta, GA-705, Jacksonville, FL-703, Daytona-710, Cocoa-717, Ocala-714, St. Pete-713, Ft. Pierce-726, Orlando-716, West Palm-725, Miami-721, Lakeland-719, Tampa-712, Ft. Myers-728, Tallahassee-737.
Valdosta is the service center, Break bulk, or whatever the pin heads are calling them these days. The others are satellites serviced out of Valdosta.
You could just use 0 because they are heading that way to the number of terminals they will soon have.
What the hell is your problem top flight?
Do you get your little jollies off making nasty little remarks
on other peoples boards. If you have nothing friendly or positive to say here,perhaps you should STFU!
I fail to see any humor in your remark when there are people here who are worried about whether they will have work tomorrow. Your coment is not funny ,its sick.
How would you feel if in a year this large company came back ten fold and squashed estes out of buisness.
Yeah.....I think you are on top of the world there but are you sure its not just a false sense of confidence due to your arrogance and self rightious way?:tongue0002:
Hello I am from Roadway and we have numbers as terminals and I know that yellow has letters as terminals. Since we are combining I think that everyone ought to know the terminal codes or letters that represent them. I hope everyone can participate!
st louis 341 roadway
kansas city 342 roadway

Im sure that you get the clue, thanks and have a good day!:1036316054:

Read my posts on the thread ALPHA or NUMERIC..... this may help.... what I'm seeing in the office ... I have two posts.....