Yellow | Numbers


TB Regular
2 men from the 104 barn wanted to take freight to a customer who had freight due today and tomorrow (previously during the week) and they were told only to take the freight due today never mind that stuff due tomorrow it hurts our numbers.

Same thing applies to the outbound, outbound load averages must be high this is why they stuff the bejesus out of each trailer instead of putting a second pup on.

Numbers... they only look at numbers... I have a number for them.. its called 7.. Chapter 7 in 2019 if they dont give us our 15% back and an increase in pay comparable to the other LTL carriers.
2 men from the 104 barn wanted to take freight to a customer who had freight due today and tomorrow (previously during the week) and they were told only to take the freight due today never mind that stuff due tomorrow it hurts our numbers.

Same thing applies to the outbound, outbound load averages must be high this is why they stuff the bejesus out of each trailer instead of putting a second pup on.

Numbers... they only look at numbers... I have a number for them.. its called 7.. Chapter 7 in 2019 if they dont give us our 15% back and an increase in pay comparable to the other LTL carriers.
Nothing new. Yellow operated that way for at least since 1999. Don't know about before that?
No matter how they make the numbers look they still can't make any money. Not any money that matters.
If they would run on common sense they could be the leaders in the industry.
Why would they want to do that? :17142:
Like it has been said. Spend a dollar to make a penny.
No matter how they make the numbers look they still can't make any money. Not any money that matters.
If they would run on common sense they could be the leaders in the industry.
Why would they want to do that? :17142:
Like it has been said. Spend a dollar to make a penny.
Stop it!!! Stop making sense!!!
There was a time at Roadway, that we were taught how numbers worked and how to 'work' with them to show compliance. There were many who were so well trained and educated, they mastered completion of their p&d card during the final 10 mins of their shift. We understand the numbers game. Knowing how to use it has not been at the forefront of the training process at ANY level.
There was a time at Roadway, that we were taught how numbers worked and how to 'work' with them to show compliance. There were many who were so well trained and educated, they mastered completion of their p&d card during the final 10 mins of their shift. We understand the numbers game. Knowing how to use it has not been at the forefront of the training process at ANY level.
Most of the time all you had to do was show a few stops with multiple bills,picked up or delivered in like 10 minutes,or less,and it made you look like Superman....
They are probably not the only ones.Terminal managers and supervisors have to make their numbers look good
It's all about numbers. Doesn't matter what company. Someone else mentioned common sense, think about it, if you could bottle it and sell it you might be a millionaire. In my opinion we are all judged by numbers, productivity, fuel mileage, you name it. It equals profit.
7 minutes per mile, 15 minutes per stop.
It was so simple.
I worked with a driver that lied about his milage, every day, for years. He didn't even bother to conjure up unique numbers, he simply copied another drivers milage that he knew was greater than his own. Oddly, it was absurd to everyone but him.
Management are the ones who have to lie.
They have everything so screwed up we don't have to.
So. Just lay the blame on them. As if it even matters anymore to most people.
It's always about the number. Met your goals get your bonuses. Freight can be in a hundred Pieces , but I got them a scan.
As long as we get "gap" (first scan in 15 min.) and "lag" ( scan in last 15 min.) nobody cares what else you do!

On another issue they can enforce the zero tolerance attendance policy perfectly but can't move a piece of freight! If this ::shit:: wasn't so stupid I'd laugh!!!
As long as we get "gap" (first scan in 15 min.) and "lag" ( scan in last 15 min.) nobody cares what else you do!

On another issue they can enforce the zero tolerance attendance policy perfectly but can't move a piece of freight! If this :::shit::: wasn't so stupid I'd laugh!!!
I smiled. :17142:
I remember very nievly thinking the switch from paper P&D cards to the Qualcomm system would put a stop to the shenanigans.
I've used elog for almost 9 years. Can't cheat those things. If the truck wheel turns, it records it. If you take an extra break, or go out of route, it records it. If you speed, they get an email message. If you speed more than 10mph over, the manager gets a text message. If you try to say you're out of hours, the record shows exactly how many you have, and when you'll be available.

Upper management can see with electronics hooked to elogs if the middle management is playing with numbers or not. Its like mysticobra said- "If anyone still cares"...

The trick is to embrace the electronic record, and learn to follow the law. Then that 'Hot Pickup' will just have to wait....