Yellow | Organize To Protect Pensions!


Please understand that this prior post from tud does not provide you with the info you need to make decisions on YOUR pensions.
You must know that there are more than
one pension plans in the MEPP. Any comments made MUST include the statement that this post is directed to ONLY said pension .Misleading posts that do not look directly at your pension are causing Teamsters to be confused . If your interested in the pension info for your Local, do not count on tdu or anyone other that your plan trustee to answer YOUR pension questions. Go to your local or attend local meeting and find out for yourself and lead and don't follow like the confusion being spread. I dont know much but what i do i try to lean and to be of help. My digging since the beginning found 18 funds just in my area alone active . As i post i have found 33 total funds that CAN be commented on and ARE completely different in many ways.
So think, read , lead, and go to you source. The local that holds you fund! Dont be confused