Pension cuts barreling down the road?


TB Legend

Law allows fund trustees to slash benefits for retired drivers


John Burck of Cedar Rapids (right) greets Jim Demneny of Iowa City and Richie Strabala of North Liberty (L-R) over breakfast at the Coralville Hy-Vee Grille on Friday, April 15, 2016. The group of current and retired UPS employees has been getting together for a meal at Hy-Vee every Friday for more than a decade. Retired drivers for trucking companies and UPS covered by the Central States Pension Fund could see their monthly pension checks slashed by as much as 60 percent after July 1. (Rebecca F. Miller/The Gazette)

Law allows fund trustees to slash benefits for retired drivers


John Burck of Cedar Rapids (right) greets Jim Demneny of Iowa City and Richie Strabala of North Liberty (L-R) over breakfast at the Coralville Hy-Vee Grille on Friday, April 15, 2016. The group of current and retired UPS employees has been getting together for a meal at Hy-Vee every Friday for more than a decade. Retired drivers for trucking companies and UPS covered by the Central States Pension Fund could see their monthly pension checks slashed by as much as 60 percent after July 1. (Rebecca F. Miller/The Gazette)
Isn't UPS exempt?

How many different threads saying the same thing do we need? We all know the story. We're all in the same boat.