ABF | Personal attacks need to stop

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Looking for Trolls
Super Administrator
I know this is a very important time for the ABF people and I also know emotions are at an all time high with the contract issue but we need to cool down the personal attacks in every thread and focus on attacking the content of what was posted instead of attacking the person who posted it. Everyone who is eligible to vote has a valid opinion regardless of if it matches yours or not. We are a information site not a fight site ... Let's focus on taking it down a couple notches and posting less troll posts and more information posts.

I would rather for those who don't get along ignore each other but that does not seem to be happening. Don't force my hand because I hate losing good members but the personal attacks have to stop. If one thread has some over the line content we can deal with it but when every thread on the front page is a personal fight this is far too much. I will be sending out warnings for the personal attacks, These warnings are not bans, and you will not receive any warning points they are just to let you know your content is going over the line. I have put alot of time and money in this website especially in the past month, I want it to be a friendly place where people with common interests can get a cup of coffee and relax. I don't want it to become a place that is toxic and people avoid.

Hope you understand my point of view and my job as the person who's real name is associated with this website.

Still seeing personal attacks so the ban hammer will start swinging soon for personal attacking posts that are created after 730 am Saturday morning. 04/28/2018... These will not be permanent bans but temporary bans. If you receive a temp ban do not create a new user name to bypass it because this usually leads to a permanent ban. Told you guys before, I do not have a dog in the fight, I don't pick sides, My job is to keep the content civil without personal attacks.

Trust me, the last thing I want to do is ban anyone, This site and every site is paid for by the active users.
I never want users to feel intimidated to post here..

Just chill on the personal attacks and report any content posted after the time listed above.

1st offense will be one day and things will progress for repeat offenders... Totally hate to treat grown men like kids.
Thread Bans are active
This means if you break the rules in a thread with a personal attack you will be banned from replying to that thread.
Length of thread ban will depend on the severity of the infraction. This will be what is used mostly when needed. I hope it's not needed at all so just keep the info in and the personal attacks out and all will be good
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