Yellow | Poor Management

Watching 10 casuals work 12 hours a night every night...

It might be good for the casual but I believe it isn't good the the Union membership. It might also be good for the Teamster bank account. But again, not the membership.

I 100% agree with the involvment issue. Considering we've got children, church, school, City Council, County, State, USA, work, sleep, eat, bits and pieces of fun thrown in, "too much to do to little time".

And we here in TXR have to drive 125 miles to make a Union meeting. SVT has no air at their hall.

Just another example....Our new bids are posted.....Not one start time was adjusted to coordinate the meets. Theres no such thing as a "cut time" in the vocabulary out here. It's really frustrating from an employees standpoint to watch the lack of communication continue between the facilities. The STL-LOU-RCH leg is going to need a cut time, plain and simple. If there is overflow freight that needs to move after the fact then another man has to be dispatched from one side or the other.....ITS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE
uncle wiggly,
Funny how you mention "cut times", When I went to buster brown they told me when you show up a at customer and your cut time is 7pm, "we" don't wait, we are off the door by 7:01 wheather they are finished or not

Learned this the hard way, when we have a custmer pick up and there are trucks waiting and they are in "our door" you don't skip them to go across the street, the customer has the other trucking compnay move out of our door so that we can be loaded...

I do think as far as cut times and waiting buster brown does have this down to a science, but then again i think they make the customer sign an agreement that says we will not wait.....something to that affect