

TB Lurker
Just so everyone is clear that this board is just rumors, NCT did not close their WV terminal. They just moved it to Chambersburg,PA. So ppl should just wait for the true word be4 they start rumors about any trucking company. And just so ppl don't think anything I work for Jevic.So instead of worrying about what is on this board we should focus on making Jevic the best of best like they are known for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just so everyone is clear that this board is just rumors,

I have found out MANY things here first and I think if you ask around on the other forums you'll hear more say the same thing too. Also, we have many different people that come on here everyday at many levels throughout this entire industry. Finally, its not all rumors, but some are and that's true. Never-the-less, hang around and you'll see and welcome to trucking boards.... :1036316054: