Yellow | Seniority on sleeper teams


TB Lurker
Hi I have a question on sleeper teams seniority and I am wondering how they are done at different terminals , Here at Akron we have a system where a senior partner hold the bid and he picks whoever he wants to run with.

I am saying that this violates a mans seniority when a senior man can not hold a sleeper bid 1st seat he should be able to bid on the second seat.
The way it is now we have junior men running sleepers. bids, and senior men are on the extra board and want to run teams.

just wandering how they are done at other terminals,
St Louis and Dallas are setup the same way.
Chicago and Memphis are different i think.
In Dallas ever seat is bid by seniority. The only time you can pick partners is on the paired extra board as long as there are open seats.