XPO | smoking, spitting and cussing

However, at least at my yard, it is almost universally ignored.....I have to clean up after smokers regularly, have written up on the DVI many, many times, nothing has ever been said to anyone.....several of the newer units, stink so bad, no one will slip seat with the smoker, the smell is overpowering......
I don't think so....at least not here in the West. I still see the puffers heading out into the parking lot at my place and at the FAC I go to to suck on one all the time. However, it would not be unusual for that to have gone down, and nobody tell us about it for weeks.......:shock:
When they tell us about the no bad word rules, I ask for a list of words that can't be used. Is it just the 7 you can't say on T.V. or is it a larger list?

Can I ask a co-worker if they want to go out for ****-tails after work?

Can I still talk about my kids cat that came home all wet from a rain storm?
I quit smoking 3 months after my oldest son was born 3 1/2 weeks early, he seem to have a slight breathing problem for a few months, and started with the ear infections. Cold-Turkey, man did I tear up some toothpicks and straws, during that time!! So after a year here at work, I ran with a guy on sleepers for a year and a half with him. He chewed. I told him, had no problem with it, as long as he got rid of his spit cup, after his shift...well, after about the 3rd time it spilled in the truck,,,and that's about some nasty-smelling stuff, I no longer told him,,,I waited until he went to the bunk to bed, knowing that he would get up and put chew in his mouth before climbing out of the bunk, and while he was snoozing away, I rolled down the window and tossed his cup, sure enough, he got up, added his chew, climbed out to sit down,,,and had no cup, he would about gag at trying to get it out of his mouth and tossed. He'd be askin,"What'ya do that for? I was like "Told you I had no trouble with you chewing, but have some respect for me, I don't want to smell it, or deal with it spilled in the truck." Took him many a times for him to learn, and then he finally quit, said it wasn't worth the aggrivation of me throwing his spit cups out. Too funny though, I carry a roll of paper towels and windex, so I can see safely out the windows from the revolving trucks we get.
As for the cussing, that's a rough one, driving a truck and all, and retired military here. I have tried to tone it down, around my wife and kids,,,,cause them little boogers will repeat things at the dangest times!!!!