Summer Routing Has Begun


TB Veteran
The Summer Routing has begun hip hip hooray! Anyhow were in summer routing mode the loads are light and they take 12 hours to do because the times are all off. It was funny I was talking to a boss and he said "Yeah welcome to summer routing where it takes 12 hours to do a 9,000lbs route because one stop doesn't get there till way late."

So that's what I am doing anyhow good times, but what ever it's alright and not a problem, because come August the schools will be back and it will all have struck back with a vengeance!
Alright so today went pretty smooth for a summer route. The one stop I didn't know, but it was no big deal I parked in the wrong area, but it really didn't matter, because I was doing fine on time. 400 something cases came off alright.
Monday I'm at work the route isn't one I particularly am thrilled, about, but I'll deal alright it's manageable I'll say that much back out east where it all began for me.
Z what's going on how's the family?

So here's what's going on, my computer did an update to the new Windows operating system and now I'm all kinds of screwed up my camera is no longer supported by this new system so now I'm back to using my laptop from almost 10 years ago. I don't want to replace my computer yet not in the budget, but here I am, oh well I'll suffer through this.