FedEx Freight | Super Trucker Skills

C'mon! Do you think people will really buy this? If you want to have any credibility you need to establish yourself. Your first post and it just happens to be in support of the Roadeo? I saw the numbers for the people signed up not too long ago and it was ptitful. Good! I am not surprised. The company has persuaded me not to participate and I encourage everyone else to boycott it as well.This strikes me as a very transparent effort influence people by a redshirt of some kind.
Interesting spelling and punctuation choices. I hope your administrative assistant proof reads your reports.
And when he is done helping him out, he can help you out. Mr.Rodeo....or is it Roadeo, the way you perceive it to be. Is it because it pertains to trucks that operate on the road? Watch those still live in a glass house.

The thing to realize about the competition is that during everyday operations we are constantly told to leave ourselves an out, give yourself room....don't tailgate. I'm the competition, they want you to get as close to objects as possible. They preach but want us to win the big shiny trophy for the good of all things company.
The TDC (Truck driving Championship) sign up is normally starts this month. See your service center manager. State competition dates vary. The nationals are usually in August.
what gets me is a driver wants to go to the rodeo and signs up for the straight truck class if your going to do it do it in a tractor trailer like you drive everyday dont sneak out the easy way and say your a super trucker
My regional (Central CA) will be in June. We had our regional safety guy come up Monday and Tuesday to answer all questions. It's pretty cool that they're now paying mileage and hotel costs, not to mention offering prizes now.
Does anyone know when the Truck driving champinship is, I would like to show my skills?

The Nationals in in August... Pittsburg, PA this year, I think.

First ya gotta win your state TDC.

It's worth the effort, if ya think ya got the skills :thumbsup:

It does take some effort though... You'll love reading "Facts for Drivers"... Oh yeah, that's a great read! :Poke:
I'm thinking about going to the tdc this year is anyone thinking about going? We will get paid and free meals heck sounds like maybe I can get something out of Fred before he cans us.
Careful. Mileage and hotels are only paid if your States TDC is over 100 miles away. And you won't be paid for being there on a Saturday
You must sign up by Feb 27. It's a great time. In Wis. TDC is held over two days Fri. and Sat. in june.:clap:
I concur

C'mon! Do you think people will really buy this? If you want to have any credibility you need to establish yourself. Your first post and it just happens to be in support of the Roadeo? I saw the numbers for the people signed up not too long ago and it was ptitful. Good! I am not surprised. The company has persuaded me not to participate and I encourage everyone else to boycott it as well.This strikes me as a very transparent effort influence people by a redshirt of some kind.

Here's what happens.

You go to a room for a Q&A session. Expect questions to things that have just been covered. Over and over.

Then you take your written exam. This has nothing to do with driving skills, but tests your retention on largely meaningless details about the industry.

Then you get a one on one interview with either a State Trooper or someone like that. They score you on your answers. It's all subjective and also has nothing to do with your skills as a driver.

Then you walk the course.

Then, hours before you run, you are sequesterd from the course. I have heard tales of people sitting for 4 hours before they run.

You spend about 2 minutes on the course.

Then you wait around until the rest of the courses are run, then wait even longer for the results.

You're looking at at least a 10 hour day.

I don't know how many if any have signed up at my SC. From the daily attitudes I see, I can only think of a couple of people that might do it. Mostly to show they are cheerleaders. I'm hoping no one enters from my SC. It's nothing more than a feather in the cap of your SCM if he/she gets lots of people.

And Smokestack, you are so right! How on earth can we afford to pay for the entries, mileage, room, and the all day BBQ at so many locations?

Dock workers forced to part time, lay offs, terminations, 2 minute idles, washing equipment once a month.... where is the money coming from to pay for this yearly look at me competition?

Maybe they won't give out hats and shirts this year to make ends meet.

In my opinion, it's a complete waste of my time. I spend enough time around trucks, I don't need to waste one of my days off, plus the time spent reading the stupid book to spend more time around trucks.
Couple points of correction, Franklin.

For the most part you are right. The only things I would disagree on.
1) studying the book does make you more knowlegable about the industry and more importantly the rules and regulations. I've used that knowledge to dispute many claims made by overzealous managers, dispatchers etc. Granted a lot of the info that you have to study is of little use, but you can never have too much knowledge, don't ya think?

2)The cost: Unless you win and collect the $1000 prize, the cost isn't very significant when you factor in the fact that participaition WILL make you a safer driver. Once you've been (and actually won), you'll be extra carefull in your daily driving to avoid any little accident. Even to the point of taking a different route to your destination because it's safer. Some may doubt this but ask anyone whose been and they'll tell ya that the closser it gets to the event the more cautious they are because almost ANY accident will keep you from competing.

I can understand some questioning the value of the competition, epecially with some layed off, pay cuts etc. But I think it probably is cost effective. Plus if you do it, it's for yourself, not so much fedex.

Just some thoughts... Feel free to flame :flame: