Yellow | Teamster Contest Reaches Fever Pitch


TB Legend


So long Hoffa and Hall and the rest of their cronies!
Might as well make my first post here about voting in my first election as a Teamster. I hope the slate most willing and capable to fight for a better contract will come out on top! I've been joking that I came on board at YRC at a point when things could only go up--but, uhh, let's not put that to the test.
But do the teamsters driver's have enough members to out vote the non-driver voter's ??? and anybody that vote's for Hoffa are the same sheep that keep voting yes to givebacks too !!
According to our teamster website there are 250,000 UPS teamsters who all got stuck with teamcare and got a contract forced down their throats without having all the supplements approved. Pretty good chance of getting Hoffa out I think.