That's what I call great customer service


TB Veteran
So today a smaller every other week account of mine, had an order and the warehouse miss picked there wine and the bar owner got all mad. Well he said "It's not your fault, but it's not my fault either." What ever the heck that's supposed to mean, I don't even really know why he said that to me I just said to him "I'm sorry it's not there." He said "Tell that to my customer who drinks this stuff." I mean the stuffs not there it's not there sorry. Any how I called customer service and said "Customer #XYZ is pretty up set, because they didn't get there wine and there crying and everything, so I said look, pull it from the warehouse and I will hot shot it out on my way home from work. Customer service said "Will clear that with your route manager and if that's okay when you get back there will be an invoice for you."

So I walked back into the bar the guy was still throwing his temper-tantrum kind of you could tell he was ticked and I said "Look I called customer service and I will if they let me, bring you this case of wine on my way home from work today." He said "Well I just called the sales rep about it."

I went "Okay." Yeah call the sales rep they aren't ganna help you, I know there ways and a 9 case account everyother week isn't even on there radar. Actually that guy probably is a telephone account, he can probably count the number of time on one hand he's seen a sales rep. I can't a sales rep is going in there to take an order.

We have different sales reps that do different things, some just take care of bars and restaurants, others C-Stores and others just the big time grocery stores and some just do wine and others beer.

Any how I got them there case of wine and delivered it to them on my way home from work. Weather or not they will remember that which by the way is something I did not have to do at all, but I figured it builds good will, or just go along with this whole entitlement mentality that we have in this country which is something about this culture that really ticks me off this entitlement mentality people have is absolutely ridiculous. I was looking out for them, there sales rep wasn't going to do anything I know that, the company if I left it in there hands and didn't offer to take anything to them would have said "To bad" and that's that.

Now in the evening when I went to deliver it the woman working there was nice, however I really do not think it earned me any brownie points with them, of course I don't know maybe the company thought it was okay though I was taking care of there customer. Unfortunately with this entitlement mentality we have in this country these people probably feel that they should be taken care of like that all the time.

Of course we have it and I know you guys have it to at Sysco or where ever companies have all these mission statements that say one thing and then the company does the polar opposite of the mission statement, happens everywhere.

Anyhow even though they were in my opinion fairly ungrateful, they got there wine by me not by the sales rep or anyone else, me my self, and that's what I call great customer service.