FedEx Freight | The Reason why we are in a bad economy and why the merger


TB Lurker
I am not a political person. In my opinion I just feel that the reason people are out of work is because Bill Clinton opened up trade with China. Like I said, it's just my opinion. Everyone is so fixated on how bad Bush did. Bush wasnt perfect. But damn, now every store you go into now it's hard to find something that isnt made in China. It sucks, this used to be a good country now it seems like the lawyers and politicians have other ideas that is putting our country under.

With the merger now here, you just have to sit down and think about how our country's economy took a dive. It sucks. I just feel for the guys and their families that get a severence package. It's not right that our country leadership has failed us for the last 20 years and sold us out.

I found this on a website when Clinton sign trade with China. I just wonder how many US products are on the store shelves over in China?? Please feel free to read the following message.

Clinton signs China trade bill
October 10, 2000
Web posted at: 6:28 p.m. EDT (2228 GMT)

By Matt Smith/CNN

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Clinton closed years of political and economic debate Tuesday, and sealed a major achievement of his administration by signing a bill extending permanent, normal trade status to China.

"Today we take a major step toward China's entry into the World Trade Organization and a major step toward answering some of the central challenges of this new century," Clinton said in a bipartisan White House ceremony Tuesday afternoon.

"Trade with China will not only extend our nation's unprecedented economic growth, it offers us a chance to help shape the future of the world's most prosperous nation and to reaffirm our own global leadership for peace and prosperity."

The measure is considered the most important U.S. trade legislation since passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement in 1993. But it faced a long campaign of opposition from labor, human rights and conservative groups who wanted to retain the annual review of trade relations with China.

The Senate passed the China trade bill in September after supporters won a bruising battle in the House of Representatives in May. Lawmakers from both sides of the aisle joined Clinton on the South Lawn of the White House to watch him sign the measure, dubbed the U.S.-China Relations Act of 2000.

President Clinton signs a bill extending permanent, normal trade status to China.

The ceremony capped years of negotiations with Beijing and an intense debate at home among the Clinton administration, business and labor interests. It will open China's mammoth market to U.S. businesses and pave the way for China's entry into the World Trade Organization -- it also ends a 20-year-old U.S. ritual of annually reviewing China's trade status.

U.S. business interests wanted the agreement in order to gain access to China's market of 1-billion-plus people. But critics argued that such an agreement would reward a repressive communist state, undermine the country's labor and environmental protections and cost jobs for U.S. workers.

Clinton and other supporters argued that bringing China into the global trade regime will help make Beijing a more responsible and accountable member of the world community.

"Of course, trade with China will not in and of itself lead China to make all the choices we believe it should," Clinton said. "But clearly, the more China opens its markets, the more it unleashes the power of economic freedom, the more likely it will be to liberate the human potential of its people."

Sen. William Roth, one of its principal Senate sponsors, said the relationship between the United States and China "will be one of a handful that will dominate the world stage in the 21st century."


Normalized trade with China "is not just important in strategic terms," Roth, R-Delaware, said. "It also reflects a practical commitment to sustained, continued economic growth and rising standards of living here at home."

With China enfolded in the WTO, "The world will be a safer place -- or so we hope, and so history argues," said Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, D-New York.

The bill Clinton signed Tuesday stemmed from a 1999 agreement between Washington and Beijing that would ease China's entry into the World Trade Organization. With WTO membership, China will make significant cuts in its tariffs, thus opening its markets to the products and investment of America and other countries.

China must also grant Americans and others the right to set up distribution points within the country, open its financial and service sectors to international competitors, and allow outside participation in the development of its Internet and telecommunications sectors.

Some opponents worried that the U.S. would be unable to influence Beijing over human rights concerns without a yearly vote on trade. To counter those concerns, the legislation calls for setting up a congressional-executive commission to monitor human rights in China and create a so-called surge mechanism to help American industries and workers hurt by an increase in Chinese imports.
This economic recession is from a series of bad decisions going back to 1992, when George H. W. Bush administration weakened regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac with the goal of making available more money for home loans. Leading to the housing bubble.
Then there is NAFTA which was negotiated by Bush in 1992 and signed by Clinton In 1993.Which it is said to have cost the U.S. 3,654,000 manufacturing jobs.
And now will move imports coming in from China through our ports in California to Mexico. Pretty much putting our western ports out of business. This is why we CAN NOT open our borders for Mexican trucks. We are already seeing cheap Mexican beef at the local grocery stores. How many more industries can we give away to cheap labor with no oversight. And still maintain our own economy.
Add to that the cost of two wars. And the list goes on and on.
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As long as people will buy cheap China and Mexico crap business will go there and we can't compete with slave wages. My family we buy from the local business owner as often as we can. We buy beef and pork from a local farmer who keeps the animals all natural and no damn corn feed for the cows. We might pay a little more but it's worth it to keep the money local as we can. The meat by the way is 10 times better and 10 time healthier than what you can buy at any grocery store. Until we start keeping he money local the jobs won't stay local.
Our economy is bad right now because the media spent the year leading up to the last presidential election telling us we were in a recession when we weren't, this seriously eroded consumer confidence and slowed things down which caused the housing bubble to burst. The housing bubble was caused by the community reinvestment act signed into law by President Carter and put on steroids by President Clinton. The community reinvestment act was used by liberal activists to force banks into granting loans to those that had a very shaky chance at best to repay them. fannie mae and freddie mac lowered lending criteria which spurred the rush into subprime loans and the race to blow the top off the housing market was on. Both Clinton and Bush tried to tighten restrictions and oversight of fannie mae and freddie mac but were blocked by the democrats.
All this however would have simply resulted in a short term recession but for the severe memory and logic problems on the left. For some strange reason the left can't understand that business drives an economy, not the government. When they spend all their time bad mouthing business, talking about tax increases for those that create jobs, passing a heath care scheme that will dramatically increase the cost of health care, trying to pass cap and tax which would, in Obama's own words, "necessarily cause energy costs to skyrocket" business has no choice but to tighten their belts and prepare for hard times, and the only expense business has any real control over is labor.
If the Democrats get a clue and realize Keynesian economics is a fantasy, if they look to history and see that they can't actually spend their way out of a recession, When they see that portraying business as the enemy and constantly attacking it, or, when they get removed from power then things might start getting better. For now we're following the same game plan as Roosevelt and will likely see the same results. Long lasting pain and misery. So, in the immortal words of the great philosopher Bender "Yep, we're boned"
It started before Reagon and possibly Jimmy the moldy house builder.

Tricky dick opened up China. Before that it was all the jjap crap that people were buying.

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Most of the problems we are seeing today are the result of social programs that came about during and shortly after the depression. During the depression the government saw a chance to get people hooked and convinced that they couldn't take of themselves and needed the government to take care of them. A good books to read is "The Forgotten Man".
Hagar, do you really think Democrats don't know what they are doing? Didn't Republicans drastically increase the size and scope of government? It's high time to throw off those political labels and call them for what they really are.

Do you think they went to Harvard, Princeton and Yale and don't know what's going on? I went to a public school, did you? Admit they are smarter than us. They are running the country and we are talking about them while driving a semi. Let's get real here.
Hagar, do you really think Democrats don't know what they are doing? Didn't Republicans drastically increase the size and scope of government? It's high time to throw off those political labels and call them for what they really are.

Do you think they went to Harvard, Princeton and Yale and don't know what's going on? I went to a public school, did you? Admit they are smarter than us. They are running the country and we are talking about them while driving a semi. Let's get real here.

Yes, republicans, while in the majority did spend way too much but nowhere near the degree democrats have since taking power, and that is why republicans lost in 2006, again in 2008, and establishment candidates are being pushed out in the current primaries. Republicans had a large number of "moderates", commonly referred to as RINO, or Republican In Name Only. Many of those "moderates" are being driven out of office or are being given the message that continuing to spend like drunken democrats will result in their removal from office. That message has been strong enough this election cycle through efforts of people like the Tea Party movement that even the democrats running for office right now are trying to out conservative each other.
Do I think they are "smarter" than us? Are you kidding? have you listened to these people speak? Intelligence is not granted through a university. Holding a degree from any particular university does not mean a person is "smart" or even that that person is particularly well versed in any particular subject. A degree simply means they were able to finance their education and were able to stay awake long enough to absorb and regurgitate the information their professors wished them to. The smartest man I ever knew was a high school dropout, but he spent his life reading books and using his mind. One of the dumbest men I ever knew held multiple degrees but didn't have the common sense god gave a goose.
Holding a political office doesn't mean a person is "smart" or even that they have studied and understand the intricacies of government or economics. It simply means they had the financing, connections and talent to win the rough equivalent of a high school popularity contest.
Information is easily, and in many cases, freely available to anyone in this country, even dumb truckers ;) All you need is the desire to obtain and study it.
If you want proof they don't know what they are doing, proof that Keynesian economics doesn't work, study the great depression and whether or not the massive government programs of Roosevelt's "new deal" brought us out of it or made it worse. Then study all the other recessionary periods and the actions of the government during those times and you'll see that when taxes were cut and government got out of the way of the private sector the markets corrected themselves rather quickly. When government meddled it screwed things up.
What we are doing now has been tried over and over, it has never worked.
As long as people will buy cheap China and Mexico crap business will go there and we can't compete with slave wages. My family we buy from the local business owner as often as we can. We buy beef and pork from a local farmer who keeps the animals all natural and no damn corn feed for the cows. We might pay a little more but it's worth it to keep the money local as we can. The meat by the way is 10 times better and 10 time healthier than what you can buy at any grocery store. Until we start keeping he money local the jobs won't stay local.

We do the same thing here at my household as well. Doing this will be the single best thing that all of us as US Citizens can do to boost and restore our economy!!! i.e. STOP GOING TO WALMART!!!!!!!!!! Buy local and buy often!
They ARE smarter than you and I. We are truck drivers. They are sitting in a office that we pay for spending the money we make. I realize it might hurt your feelings but they are ruling us.
If it hasn't worked before then why are they doing it?
Ask them. Look into it for yourself and then start asking the questions.
The information is easily available and I already gave you an idea where to start looking.
They ARE smarter than you and I. We are truck drivers. They are sitting in a office that we pay for spending the money we make. I realize it might hurt your feelings but they are ruling us.
So truck drivers are stupid? I've run into former lawyers, politicians and even a former doctor who got tired of the professional life and went out on the road. I've been in management, run my own business and simply got tired of all the crap that goes along with it. I find myself much happier driving a truck.
As for ruling us. That's only because Americans have largely forgotten how this country was meant to be run. They work for us and we have the power to fire them when they screw up. It's time we remember that and start doing our duty as Americans.
The cost of freedom is vigilance.
:TR10driving03: This Country started to go in the Dump:::shit::: when Jimmy Carter took office. That's my opinion.:coffee1: