Yellow | Tug of War #4 Central States


Interview Booster for The Droves of Leavers
Central States
You Dumb Incompetent Crooked Low Down Dirty Bastards
More Incompetent than Yellow Management, Greedier and More Slime Than the Banks
Do we start with the 6 Billion you pisse@ off as dust or the 32+ Billion dollar bail out you just got and Income From the pockets of Yellow and Roadway employees for Decades upon Decades upon Decades and for a 2 month needed pause in times like this that you literally sit living fat on our money and cut our health and welfare when you were going to be paid back the 2 months WITH INTEREST
You all are lower than dirt
Teamster Legacy should have put us in 401Ks as early as possible and Dumped yall ass long before you got the chance to fu@k off the 6 Billion
You all live off of our benefits package pushing buttons and sitting in chairs off of our backs and tears
Your recent actions are even lower than Yellow Management that Couldn't Pay
Even Lower Than The Banks that have been screwing and laughing at us ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK