ABF | Updated Vacation Policy


TB Veteran
Vacation change for new hires between 2013-2018
Hope the new hires don't fall for this. Guess their getting a little worried if its gonna pass now. The fact that their only doing it for new hires is a slap in the face for everyone else. Classic " Divide and Conquer ". Ernie should be ashamed
Hope the new hires don't fall for this. Guess their getting a little worried if its gonna pass now. The fact that their only doing it for new hires is a slap in the face for everyone else. Classic " Divide and Conquer ". Ernie should be ashamed

"Divide and Conquer" started back in the 1980's when "pay progression" came into existence. That's when the new guys got screwed without even having a vote.
"Divide and Conquer" started back in the 1980's when "pay progression" came into existence. That's when the new guys got screwed without even having a vote.

I was working casual when the pay progression was voted in.
"Divide and Conquer" started back in the 1980's when "pay progression" came into existence. That's when the new guys got screwed without even having a vote.
I was working casual when the pay progression was voted in. Was
"Divide and Conquer" started back in the 1980's when "pay progression" came into existence. That's when the new guys got screwed without even having a vote.
I was working as a casual when the pay progression was voted in. After the contract was ratified they put me on full time, so i lost money the day i went regular. So here it is all the years later and I'm on the wrong side of the majority again. Thats what i meant by "Classic " Divide and Conquer