TForce | UPS Freight: An insulting “final offer”


TB Legend


....all of a sudden they claim to have given in and enhanced the contract.
....why the previous holdback and why didn’t they offer this in the first place.’s still a measley gain and “last best final offer” is a scare tactic.

They want us to go to the union hall to vote this time.
This appears to be a tactic to shove this contract down our throats.
The halls know there is such low turn out and not much participation that way.
In other words, the voting turn out will be so low that they will do what they did to our big brothers (small pack) and use the 2/3 rule and force ratify it because our percentage was not reached compared to electronic voting.

They need to implement a few voting stations so travel time will be less burdening but than again, it’s their way to shove it down our throats and move on.

Why didn’t the Teamsters agree on electronic ballots? Hmmmm I call BS on this BS.
....all of a sudden they claim to have given in and enhanced the contract.
....why the previous holdback and why didn’t they offer this in the first place.’s still a measley gain and “last best final offer” is a scare tactic.

They want us to go to the union hall to vote this time.
This appears to be a tactic to shove this contract down our throats.
The halls know there is such low turn out and not much participation that way.
In other words, the voting turn out will be so low that they will do what they did to our big brothers (small pack) and use the 2/3 rule and force ratify it because our percentage was not reached compared to electronic voting.

They need to implement a few voting stations so travel time will be less burdening but than again, it’s their way to shove it down our throats and move on.

Why didn’t the Teamsters agree on electronic ballots? Hmmmm I call BS on this BS.
VOTE NO over 6 Billion profit this year plenty of money! How are drivers on Team and Extra board plus those on vacation supposed to vote if they are on the road?