Central Transport | vacation?


TB Lurker
go ask your t.m. or dispatcher about vacation forms and see what they have to say. the end of the year is almost here.
i wonder if senior drivers only get to pick one week and then it goes down the list to the bottom drivers. then starts over again.

this is what i'm guessing it will be. 4 WEEKS GONE. 10 YEARS OF SERVICE TO GET 3 WEEKS. 5% MAX PER DAY OFF INSTEAD OF 10%, (50 DRIVERS AT TERMINAL= 5 OFF PER DAY) plus vitran knows a massive amount of people will be using up their vacation early and looking for another job so they may implement 3 WEEKS VACATION = 1 WEEK OFF EVERY 4 MONTHS, 2 WEEKS VACATION = 1 WEEK OFF PER 6 MONTHS. plus they're so broke that they don't want a ton of people taking off in the early part of the year, because they would have to pay that person who is not at work making them money. they might even go as far as NOBODY CAN TAKE ANY TIME OFF DURING THE 1ST QTR OF 2013. i can't see anything positive coming from this company because i've been here so long and know what to expect. nothing good. lol. can you hear the beeper? we're going backwards some more. BEEP BEEP BEEP.