Holland | What's the highest odometer reading you've seen?

The very best one of those old Sterlings that I have drove was 20078. It was tight, didn't rattle, the dash wasn't busted up, it drove straight as a string, and would pull hell off a cross. I honestly thought about trying to get it assigned to me. And this has been in the last year.
I think the highest I have seen was 1,496,000 when my was broke down. Mine is a low mileage 28 series around 930 thousand.
Haha I got yours beat my 28 has 830k on it unfortunately bid got brought it back for me from CL and the air compressor went out on him when he slipped wed night. Tow truck ripped top corner of fairing off but I have replacement part for when the shop repairs it.
i have an early 19 series. Talk to the roadies that had it. Is a good tractor. 195942 as of Friday. not sure on the millions. Runs great. 19191. dash was fixed very little rattle. added that new phone holder. Word is in June it is gone

Maybe since they put the new radio mount in they'll keep it. Some 19-20s in DR got them, the 18s still running didn't.