Yellow | What's The Price Of Gas Where You Live?

Sept. 10, 2008... $3.43 gal. Dallas, Georgia

Sept. 12, 2008... $3.69 gal. Dallas, Georgia

(just west of Metro Atlanta)
Around metro Atlanta on Sept. 13-14, gas prices were ranging from $4.49 to $5.99 gal... Most stations around Cobb and Paulding Counties (W and NW metro Atlanta) were out of gas over most of the weekend...

South of Atlanta, down I-75 toward Florida, gas prices were greatly varied... For some odd reason, most of the Pilots south of Atlanta were advertising extremely high gas prices as compared to their nearby competitors in each town...

Very strange days we are in, now...
Roadway is spending a bunch of money having drivers stop and fuel and paying retail. I spoke to two drivers that spent collectively over $800 in diesel to get back to Winston. DS.
Around metro Atlanta on Sept. 13-14, gas prices were ranging from $4.49 to $5.99 gal... Most stations around Cobb and Paulding Counties (W and NW metro Atlanta) were out of gas over most of the weekend...

South of Atlanta, down I-75 toward Florida, gas prices were greatly varied... For some odd reason, most of the Pilots south of Atlanta were advertising extremely high gas prices as compared to their nearby competitors in each town...

Very strange days we are in, now...

thats nothing price is 8.29 a gallon in hiram ga right by dallas ga. talk about price gouging now they need to be reported at the sunnoco on hiram sudie road
fuel on mon. in thomasville, nc- 3.99-4.59 depending on where you go....some stations started rationing today, cannot purchase more than 10 gallons....