Yellow | Where's That Open Door.


TB Lurker
Roadway has alway's blew this smoke up our *** about this open door policy.. But when we ask questions I mean important questions you know the ones that have answers that change our way of life. Can't seem to get any answers especially a strait one.. Sick of the BS at 682!!!! Yall boys know what I mean..:duh:
I guess I have never really appreciated the "open door policy". Our old TM would often use it as an opportunity to find out who's dong what and guys would rat others out!!! Seems when I got to watching who went in and out of his was the same crowd. You know who I'm talking about Toxic!!! DS.
roundman trust YRC LIKE THEY ARE A RATTLESNAKE.don't trust them.because they will bite you when you go through that open door
if you have an alligator for a pet and you treat it like a gator you wont get bit but if try to treat it like a dog and be nice you will eventually end up as its dinner!!
Open Door Policy

If it looks like a duck, smells like a duck, swims like a duck, Chances are its a duck!!

If it looks like a rex official, walks like a rex official, talks like a rex official, chances are...
:ShakeHandsNah: open only too** azzes,i will tell management how i feel to there faces if they whant me to!i dont work for management i work under a contract.
i dont work for management i work under a contract.
Hey hillbilly...........I have tried to instill in my co workers the same idea. Remember guys, we aren't owners, stakeholders or any of those other EEFB/AI slogans. We are contract workers, that's it. That being said, we are also some of the highest benifited and paid in our industry. So our part should be to thrive to be the best, which I believe we are. Just my thoughts.......DS.