Yellow | Who are you mad at


night train

I'm not mad at either,I just wish all the crybabies would quit whinning!!!! It get's old, just like a cb radio here. I think alot of these guy's are the biggest whiner's out here. It sound's like a kid crying to mommy about a piece of candy she bought at walmart instead of k-mart. get a life, and let's work together. We should not even answer stupid question's about who bought who. who care's, let's keep the pay check's coming, or you will all be cryin. enough said, go to bed children
This is one of the major problems in America. No one wants to fix any problems until they find a scapegoat. Virtually all of our problems in this nation are nothing more than Class Warfare, or boiled to its nibs-- petty jealousy.

What's done is done. Infighting only stirs the pot, bings on more jealousy. All we can really do is our jobs, while the decision-making is done at the top. I don't trust the top-- I've seen where they lead, so I've had resumes going out for a month. Foolishness is to deny we're in trouble, while blaming everyone but ourselves if we're caught unprepared.......
Someone explain.......

I don't quite understand this thread. Who am I mad at? If for some reason I were mad, it would have been over 5 years ago when it happened. Again, if I were who am I supposed to be mad at and what kind of benefit would I get from being mad at this person(s)??

Is there nothing better to post here than this?? I don't get it.......:argue:........DS.
Even if you wre mad five years ago; what good would it have done? Nothing you or I could do about it, other than quit and move on, or get over it. Well, you Could have asassinated Zollars, but that wouldn't solve the problem......
I'm not mad at anyone, I just wish that they would tell us what the H is going on instead of letting us guess. C'mon YRC and Teamsters, we are big boys and girls and we deserve to know what is happening with our jobs and the company we work for so that we can make decisions as far as what to do in the future. If our representatives can't tell us what's happening after we paid for 3 days in San Diego, maybe it's time for a change in representation, but like in the past we'll all forget about what is happening come election time.
They can't tell us. First, they don't know what to do themselves-- look at the stock price and realize that. Second, if we knew, we'd all leave. The only thing keeping people here is : There's really nothing better or as good to go to right now, so we hang on.....

Great Post jimmy g

They can't tell us. First, they don't know what to do themselves-- look at the stock price and realize that. Second, if we knew, we'd all leave. The only thing keeping people here is : There's really nothing better or as good to go to right now, so we hang on.....
there are very few things in the WORLD let alone yrcw that are financially sound. We need to look at it from that point of view. The only problem yrcw has is a ceo that goes on msnbc and publicizes the companies downturn. So the stock market responds negatively to zollars negative words. I have not seen the ceo for abf,old dominion or any other company putting out negative info. just my thoughts on the situation.
That may be one of the problems bz spends too much time courting the news channel babes and not enough watching those that are running the co.

speaking of layoff I stayed in layoff status 10 yrs ,working 1 R 2 days sometimes no days a week. So I intend 2 work until Im 62 , Im 58 now
i dont know who can fix this or who caused it. i know we better hope pres-elect obama has some great ideas & all of us shouldpray for him. i expect if truth was known we all had some part either small or large with problem. i know yellow frt is great co & roadway is great co. lets pull together. tk & good luck to all.
i dont know who can fix this or who caused it. i know we better hope pres-elect obama has some great ideas & all of us shouldpray for him. i expect if truth was known we all had some part either small or large with problem. i know yellow frt is great co & roadway is great co. lets pull together. tk & good luck to all.

I always pray for our leaders. The problem is, Prez to Be Obama will raise taxes, that will cause more freight to dry up, killing spending (like rising fuel prices did-- exactly the same effect). We ain't seen nothing of a slow down yet. I'd actually venture to say the markets dropping are in anticipation of an Obama Presidency.....By the Teamsters voting FOR Obama, we in effect killed our own jobs (And No, I didn't vote for McCain, so don't start that. I voted Third Party.....) All we can do now is hope The New Prez has a change of heart, does away with Income Taxing altogether (Goes with Fair Tax; fat chance!) and becomes the very best Prez in history! (Also Fat Chance).....