Yellow | Who's to blame?

I would like to list a few things that come to mind that will maybe help people decide who is to blame for our companies failure.

Who was it that bought too many companies, which caused an enormous debt?

Who is it that continues to cause grievances to be filed, for contractual violations, which result in employees being paid for producing nothing?

Who is it that is to lazy to call a driver, to be sure that the pickups get made on time?

Who is it that has cut sales positions, instead of doubling the sales force to get more aggressive on gaining new business?

Who is it that dispatches empties from one terminal, and dispatches an empty from the opposite terminal?

Who is it that has an attitude that is worse than the employees that they supervise?

Who is it that constantly screws with the employees, only furthering the decline of morale?

Who is it that allows some of the employees to manipulate the dispatch in their favor, even when it isn't in the companies best interest?

Who is it that refuses to maintain a safe work place to prevent employee injuries?

Who is it that have refused to remove worthless employees, (mgt. and drivers) even when the evidence is as plain as day.

Who is it that would rather put freight on a storage trailer versus bringing in an extra guy to make service?

I could go on and on. But it seems pretty obvious who is at fault here.
And for you management that do your best everyday, I'm sure that your numbers show it. So this is not meant for you. (But don't let your ego convince yourself that you are good, if your numbers don't support it)

And two last questions for you management that would like to blame the Teamsters that you think don't produce or are always hiding behind large box stores.........Who has allowed them to get away with it? And, since nobody came to our companies with a bad attitude.......where do you think that they got the bad attitude from?


The way that I see it....the Chicago vote wouldn't even be needed, because there wouldn't have been any concessions needed from any of us, if this company was run properly.

Awesome letter, and I will copy this for the breakrooms at get some green from me too, my friend.....g