Richard Herbert

TB Lurker
Every day, every week, the PD drivers get a text or a call at 5:00 am telling us what time to come in, or telling us to call at 11:00 am, to see if we are going to work....

The dock supervisor has no rhyme or reason as to who has to call in at 11:00, some drivers he works 50+ hours a week, and they never have a day off...

Some drivers get 3 call in days a week, getting maybe 25 hours...This so called dock supervisor has professed to hating truck drivers, as he often goes into tirades laced with profanity, when a driver brings something to his attention regarding the freight on his trailer...

This dock supervisor, (and I use the term loosely) is never held accountable by the terminal manager...This man, should NEVER be in a supervisory position...NEVER does the terminal manager ask him why he is not fair in how he cuts the drivers hours...This so called dock supervisor gets pissed off, and tears more freight up than all the drivers combined...The terminal manager does not care that if some drivers work 5 days, and some drivers work 2 1/2 or 3 days, never does he reprimand anyone, except drivers...

The morale at our terminal is so low, that it is unbelievable...The hours are being cut to the point that we cannot service the customers, while 4-5 drivers sit at home everyday...Lots of customers have left us, and you can't blame them.

My question is this, why are hours cut from the drivers? Why can't they cut some from the dock workers, the dock supervisors, the dispatchers, the terminal managers, and the billing clerks, and the people that answer the phone????This would be fair...

Why does it ONLY fall on the back of the drivers? Why has this company destroyed the morale of 99% of the employee's in just a few short years??? Why is there ZERO professionalism at ANY LEVEL???Every one works against each other, especialyy the dock and the drivers...

Its not gonna be long that R&L save tons on labor and can leave us all home, cause all the customers are going to be gone...

I know, have heard it before, go to talktorl .com...No thanks, that goes to Wilminton and your TERMINAL MANAGER!! I know, have heard this to if you don't like it here, then leave, well, I plan to on my terms, and not only me, but lots of us...I would rather stay, have been here lots of years, but things will have to change, or RL won't be around long, IMHO!!
They could cut their HOURS and their PAY back, just like they do us!!!

If their pay is based on 50 hours, work them 40 hours, and pay them based on working 40 hours while it is slow.

If we are slow enough to leave 5 drivers home a day, then by definition, we are slow enough to leave dock workers home,(which they don't) cut the HOURS and PAY of dock supervisors, dispatchers, and yes, even the TERMINAL MANAGER!!
You know the number to Jeff and Robby.If the TM wont do his job call up and do it for him.Robby is really actually trying to care from what Ive seen and the conversations Ive had with him and Jeff.
Most companies over hire drivers to cover their butts if freight picks up.I guess they would rather have too many and sit some at home,than not enough when freight is heavy.Sucks to be a driver sometimes.
I have also heard that Jeff actually cares also. Some of our P/D drivers have called him on certain issues and have gotten results when he is involved.
i thnk they keeping exta drivers to see if the hours of service is going to chance.. they will have drivers if needed. they do things the way they want to and dont care if u can make because when they chance things as they often doalot of driver wasmess up when u work u make money and live off that but when they chanceor cut hours it get hardto make it
i thnk they keeping exta drivers to see if the hours of service is going to chance.. they will have drivers if needed. they do things the way they want to and dont care if u can make because when they chance things as they often doalot of driver wasmess up when u work u make money and live off that but when they chanceor cut hours it get hardto make it
Can anybody understand a damn thing he was trying to say or spell.
i thnk they keeping exta drivers to see if the hours of service is going to chance.. they will have drivers if needed. they do things the way they want to and dont care if u can make because when they chance things as they often doalot of driver wasmess up when u work u make money and live off that but when they chanceor cut hours it get hardto make it
Id say you were drunk posting but it seems you did this in the morning. LOL
If you work less than 32 hours a week, you are eligible for partial unemployment benefits for that week. Open a claim with unemployment, If a really bad week happens and you only work 8 hours for the whole week,at least there will be no waiting period to get you benefits.
Yeah file unemployment and also do as I have done... Go get food stamps. I qualified to get 369 dollars a month for myself and my daughter and that'll help some.
that is just damn sad that a driver with this company has to get food stamps, what the hell is wrong with this picture???
To get that amount of food stamps for a 2 person household (which is an assumption from the post) you would have to gross under $1600/month. At 40 hours a week that is around $9 an hour. Or the hours are terrible for several weeks at a time. Either way that is bad.
If you have a CDL and are on foodstamps then YOU are doing something wrong.
How am I doing something wrong? I am a single parent so I just can't go get any driving job out there. There are no local driving jobs. Yes I have a CDL... YES I need to only work local... NO I am not doing anything wrong by accepting food stamps while I struggle with over 60% of my hours cut. It'll pick up soon and I'll be back to 50-60 hrs a week and then done with my "help".
How am I doing something wrong? I am a single parent so I just can't go get any driving job out there. There are no local driving jobs. Yes I have a CDL... YES I need to only work local... NO I am not doing anything wrong by accepting food stamps while I struggle with over 60% of my hours cut. It'll pick up soon and I'll be back to 50-60 hrs a week and then done with my "help".

Are the rest of the drivers hrs cut as bad as you? If not, maybe bring it to the tm's attention that he/she has cut your hrs so bad that you can now get food stamps. Probaly won't do any good if your tm doesn't have a heart, but it is worth a shot. Really, top scale here is 23.47 pr hr, don't know what it is for your barn. If you have been with the company for a length of time, are you near that yet or are you a combo driver?