New Penn | YRC gets little interest in New Penn for Sale

Old news... New penn i hear nemf is bad mouthn new penn in the streets saying the'll be the new king of the n-east.....what say u?
nemf? Should they even be in the same post as New Penn? They should just be happy theres freight New Penn still don't want or they wouldn't exsist.
when ur on the top ur a target....plain and simple, NEMF has tried , but unsuccessfully the last couple of years to change their image ... the problem is HOME screws up their LH all the time.....the HD freight is integrated into the matrix freight.....
nemf is in the same boat we are all in, the smack talk is old news, everyone has allways gunned for newpenn.

I went into one of my regular stops a couple of weeks ago and the shipper showed me an email from the new england sales person bad mouthing us big time cant say i feel sorry for them the shoes on the other foot now!!!!!!