Yellow | YRC Management Terminated For Sexual Harassment Of A Teamster


It's better to burn out than to fade away
A Teamster's battle to prove they were being sexually harassed by management is nearing closure. After months of lying the management person confessed and admitted the victim was telling the truth. The management person was terminated and escorted of the property . The Teamster is to be commended for not only winning this battle for themselves , but for all of us. No form of harassment should be allowed on the job. The victim won this fight without any help from the TM . When the victim went to TM and told them what was going on and asked for TM's help, TM lied to the victim telling them they would close the terminal if they came forward with this. The TM here is a narcissist and a "World Class Liar" he doesn't understand how his decision making and his personal attacks on his employee's can effect their life's in monumental ways. Hopefully he is also terminated in the end for his actions.​
The Teamster should hire an attorney & receive compensation. My employer has always warned hourly employees that they would be discharged for sexual harassment as they should be. The company will only be truly remorseful if it has to dig down in it's pockets & pay a settlement.