ABF | a few questions, if I may


TB Lurker
How would the pension freeze affect the central and western conference people? would the entire annual increase go toward maintenance of health and welfare standards, or would we in effect have a two-tier five year contract in this regard? Also, would the 11 hrs per tour- of- duty computation for road drivers pension contributions remain in effect? I assume that it would, as well as the 100hr/ month and 60hr/month rules for full - time and casuals for insurance qualification. I don't understand the logic of the pension freeze in the west and central conferences only, though. What's up with that?
Hmmm, Brother....that sounds more like a Supplemental question. You will have to pull up your specific Supplement for your area online and slog through it and see if your questions are answered with contractual language. If not, your B.A. should be able to get specific answers. Tip him off before you guys have your contract meeting, so he'll have an answer for you....and everyone affected....at the meeting. And finally,....if you don't get an answer.....then you give them the answer for not taking your question seriously......VOTE NO.