FedEx Freight | Actual numbers of vaccinated people getting sick

Wrong about that! All the reports and foreign news wires out of Israel, Gibraltar, Iceland and Singapore show majority of delta variant cases being vaccinated! Those nations have the highest rate of vaccination as well! By the way those democrat state congress people from Texas who hopped on the plane to DC, all where vaccinated 8 of them tested positive for rona that we know of! What happened? By the way when you call names like anti vaxxer,, tell me something why would you worry about people being unvaccinated? If the vaccine is all that you should be protected, that’s the point of a vaccine to give you immunity, that’s where they get the word immunization!
His point was not that you can’t get it but when you do get it you won’t die lol
I'll go along with the idea that the Vax is to help slow down death.

However no one has said that it will prevent you getting covid.

I am not against vaxes in general. Just the recent three that has been such a problem. If they took a year to properly grow a covid vax using traditional methods I would be first in line with many others to get it no problem.

Anything else is political control against the people.

Personally if I got covid I might die? Sure you bet. Maybe. That's in the hands of god. No heroic measures, no vents no nothing. Death is a passage. Not a final end. We all have to go sometime.

I don't mind those who call VAERS BS with a grain of salt etc. I am in partial agreement. However. All those solid years since 1990 to 2020 with only 400 or so events? EACH of those years? Then BOOM a vertical wall with ten thousand or more? Ya right.

If VAERS is not to be trusted, then ditch it. And forget it. If that is so, then might as well just stop counting everything and everyone getting sick, dead, recovered etc. That would just make things peachy.

There are a percentage of People who fear death and getting sick and so on. They RUN to the first Vax place desperate for science to save them. Ignoring the idea that it is a whoopsie that got out of a lab in the first place.

I am in a dangerous mood today. Been watching Dr Strangelove this week. As a result I could joke that maybe we should just expose the world to covid, every man woman and child. When all the dying is done those of us left standing will get to procreate and replace the lost. And that will be that.
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I am in a dangerous mood today. Been watching Dr Strangelove this week. As a result I could joke that maybe we should just expose the world to ThaRona, every man woman and child. When all the dying is done those of us left standing will get to procreate and replace the lost. And that will be that.

But will those left be Truckingboard members? That's the real concern.
You sure do drink a lot of koolaid! People like you are the reason the allied forces had to bring the German citizens on countryside tours of the concentration camps after world war 2! We had no idea! We where being good germans just following orders! We believe what we where being told by the authorities! Yep old arguments, authority never lies oh no not that!
You all sound the same, you all seem to be believing what Tucker Carlson and Hannity and other conservative media are saying instead of looking at the science, you are “sheep” in that sense. It’s funny, Fox news’ own lawyer even said this last year when they were sued for slander regarding tucker Carlson:

“Now comes the claim that you can't expect to literally believe the words that come out of Carlson's mouth. And that assertion is not coming from Carlson's critics. It's being made by a federal judge in the Southern District of New York and by Fox News's own lawyers in defending Carlson against accusations of slander. It worked, by the way.”

The kicker is, most of these conservatives in media and politics that you idolize have been vaccinated themselves. They know better, they just tell you what you want to hear to get votes/views.
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You all sound the same, you all seem to be believing what Tucker Carlson and Hannity and other conservative media are saying instead of looking at the science, you are “sheep” in that sense. It’s funny, Fox news’ own lawyer even said this last year when they were sued for slander regarding tucker Carlson:

“Now comes the claim that you can't expect to literally believe the words that come out of Carlson's mouth. And that assertion is not coming from Carlson's critics. It's being made by a federal judge in the Southern District of New York and by Fox News's own lawyers in defending Carlson against accusations of slander. It worked, by the way.”

And there you have it. Always the mic drop.

The name calling and silly nonsense. Always the go to when out of "facts" and everything has pretty much been debunked.

FWIW, I don't watch any MSM news outlets, foxnews included. No time for biased opinions on either side.
Again , I got the shots (2) only because of the kids/grandchildren .
I never thought something like this would happen but now knowing
how we seem to be on this self destructive path of bioterrorism and
the simple escalating murder rates across the world not to mention
our U.S.A. you have to wonder what our future holds . I never thought
that I would carry a weapon 24/7 .......

This all really sucks.
The slowest most painful form of death is to live your life in fear of death.
I won't argue that, but it's not the most painful ordeal one can endure.
Had a friend who squatted in the woods to crap when his sack landed in a bear trap.
I said I know that must be the most painful feeling on earth.
He said "not really"
I said what could possibly be more painful?
He said "when you run out of chain"
Isaiah 41 verse 10

So do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Guys I'm not even close to being a preacher just a very old worn out truck driver, I don't have the answers but I put my faith in the one that does. Not trying by no means to push religion on anyone but I refuse to live my life in fear.
VAERS isn't an accurate representation of issues with the vaccine. My main issue with the vaccine is that it doesn't prevent you from getting COVID or spreading it. Then what's the point?

There's plenty of antivax propaganda and plenty of COVID fear mongering, so who do you trust?

Even the CDC admitted to fudging Florida's COVID numbers reporting 28K cases over the weekend and then saying it was actually 19K. No explanation on how that happened. Florida's DOH says it was actually 15K.

Here's my logic. I'm not at risk of dying from COVID so I don't need the vaccine. I haven't gotten the shingles vaccine for the same reason. Does that also make me antivax?

The vaccine was rushed to release and manufactures have zero liability. Profits with no risks is a bad mix for the consumer.

The vaccine is readily available for anyone that wants it. If you haven't gotten it by now, it's probably because you don't want to. Why are they still pushing this so hard? They don't wear masks and we don't know who has and hasn't been vaccinated.

AOC is on video putting a mask on for a photo and then taking it off. It's all theatre.
And the Obiden and Oharris administration has the border wide open with up to 40 % coming in are active cases with no jab....and they're flying them all over the country ( monkey werx ) on (youtube ) this is a ccp takeover and zipper head Joe is in the pocket of the ccp.
please go to and watch Your Wake Up Call by Army Colonial Phil Waldron...
you'll see Soros say "the only thing in the way of destabilizing the world is The U.S.A. " this is WAR
You all sound the same, you all seem to be believing what Tucker Carlson and Hannity and other conservative media are saying instead of looking at the science, you are “sheep” in that sense. It’s funny, Fox news’ own lawyer even said this last year when they were sued for slander regarding tucker Carlson:

“Now comes the claim that you can't expect to literally believe the words that come out of Carlson's mouth. And that assertion is not coming from Carlson's critics. It's being made by a federal judge in the Southern District of New York and by Fox News's own lawyers in defending Carlson against accusations of slander. It worked, by the way.”

The kicker is, most of these conservatives in media and politics that you idolize have been vaccinated themselves. They know better, they just tell you what you want to hear to get votes/views.
Hannity has always said ask your doctor and follow the science. Hannity and his doctor decided it was best for him to get the juice.
The fact remains. Your chances of serious illness and death are when vaccinated are about .003%.
Your chances of serious illness are 10-20% and death is 1.5% when not vaccinated.
The death number when over 65 or if you have pre existing conditions is much higher.

It's all a numbers game.
You, we are in the end just a statistic.