FedEx Freight | Are we merging or not?


TB Veteran
OK so the rumor mill has fired up again about national and freight merging into just FEDEX LTL. Is this B.S. or what?

b.t.w. it is the original JEEP JERK!
well, here's two questions for you. How much does it cost for two terminals and two management teams covering the same p&d area? Wouldn't it be more cost effective to have only one driver pickup all the freight that a customer has to ship daily?
well, here's two questions for you. How much does it cost for two terminals and two management teams covering the same p&d area? Wouldn't it be more cost effective to have only one driver pickup all the freight that a customer has to ship daily?
Look how good that worked for Yellow and Roadway , they would have been better off leaving them separate
:Emoticon_digging: If you guy's merge, it will be a major cluster F_ _ _, as all of you guy's know. There will be permanent layoff's, there will be terminal closing's. Bottom line is if the company so choose's to go forward with this idea, they are working on how to make the impact as easy as possible.:TR10driving03:
Bottom line with yellow and roadway they ran out of cash to pull off the merger. With fedex they have the cash and credit to pull it off. But yes it would be messy with terminations and rehires.
I'm glad to hear we are dealing with the original Jeep-Jerk, although I wasn't aware there was an impostor out there. Since I'm not one of those special people in Hootersville who can walk on water, and get to look at the big picture on a daily basis, I don't know if there merger will ever happen. It makes about as much sense as Yellow buying out Roadway. The original Twice Pipes.
fxf and fxntl have merged paperwork wise....... we are both part of fed ex freight :couch:
I heard from someone high up that we are merging with national, buying old dominion and getting all new tractors.
I heard from someone high up that we are merging with national, buying old dominion and getting all new tractors.

They'll all be city trucks with 3 cylinders.

I can certainly understand why they would want to merge us. I'm just wondering how f***ed up it will be sorting out the seniority. But yeah, there would be massive lay offs. Might want to start looking to see what your local college has to offer in the way of classes. Cause this industry is in the toilet as far as the employees are concerned. Look for loss of bennies, part time, split shifts.
I hear it's a done deal. We will be all one, and the National drivers will have to do just like they did when FedEx bought them. They will have to fill out apps again, then they will keep they ones they want, but they will not bring their seniorty with them. Just one more screwing for some. Hope the ones they keep have their little yellow forklift tag.
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