ABF | Central States Fund Report: $17.7 Billion!

Joe get real (Thee only difference between ABF, FED Ex, Saia or Conway was YRC had a couple billion of debt to service). The question Joe is where did the debt come from and who caused them to have it. Like I said before I hope they make it, but they have some tall obstacles to over come. One example the back payment to the funds due in 2015. I will wait for your answer Joe who cause the problems at YRC. Joe YRC was also dead in the water give credit where it is due to the teamsters at YRC that are still suffering today for their give backs not management. The teamsters are the ones on the docks, streets and road busting their ass so you can get your check, yet you give the credit to Zollar. Zollar left one big mess at YRC if they make it, it will not be because of him, it will be because of them. God bless the hard working teamsters at YRC & may he give them strenght to carry on so you can get your check. I see why you are not welcome on their board.

Yes, YRC drivers and dock are a big reason the company still exists and will be around making customers dreams become a reality for years to come..who could argue Zollars took big risks that failed causing big damage/hardships to thousands of families. But in the scheme of things there are still millions of people out of work and families facing foreclosure..let's move on and dwell on the positive. 25,000 still have a job at YRC..Zollars is gone. YRC will find the $89M..they always do. I get the pension I get because I did the time..33 years pension credits. I earned it. Lucky me I got no help from people working now at YRC or ABF.

You are building your own credit years. My pension is coming from the billions the NE Fund has on hand. X amount of dollars is earmarked for Joe the plumber till I die. But who knows?..maybe the situation deteriorates and I do take a hit but before that happens future retirees at YRC and ABF could be facing rather significant reductions in your pension if you're not close to thirty years now. Don't listen to the Dockers crap about me and YRC forum. I'm just here to stalk him and nail him with facts..he don't know diddle
Joe just like I said in the scheme of things all the hardship at YRC was caused by one man. The teamsters at YRC are suffering because of one man. You can sit back and think you can't be touched but you can. I can see you don't like ABF but we are all teamsters in the end. We at ABF had nothing to do with what happened at YRC, but what happened at YRC is effecting us at ABF. YRC is now the cheapiest carrier on the street even below the nons. You come to the ABF site wishing for it to happen here. YRC took the money & benefits from the teamsters and passed them on to the customers in discounts. That money was to pay down the debt they had, they now have more than before so your faith in Zollar is well miss placed. By the way Docker speaks his mind and the truth but I can think for myself. All one has to do is read your anti ABF post. We at ABF have great leadership among our older teamster who have gone through this before.
Don't listen to the Dockers crap about me and YRC forum. I'm just here to stalk him and nail him with facts..he don't know diddle

Now that's funny there Joe Troll. Let me get this straight...now you are Joe "the stalker" Troll. Evidently...you can't even stalk right...since my last 8 posts went unanswered...seems to me that you would be considered on of those chicken **** stalkers...lol

Can you actually do anything right?

Are these the facts that you talk about:
Learning to overcome the gag reflex is necessary to go all the way down :17142:

Yes, YRC drivers and dock are a big reason the company still exists and will be around making customers dreams become a reality for years to come..who could argue Zollars took big risks that failed causing big damage/hardships to thousands of families. But in the scheme of things there are still millions of people out of work and families facing foreclosure..let's move on and dwell on the positive. 25,000 still have a job at YRC..Zollars is gone. YRC will find the $89M..they always do. I get the pension I get because I did the time..33 years pension credits. I earned it. Lucky me I got no help from people working now at YRC or ABF.

You are building your own credit years. My pension is coming from the billions the NE Fund has on hand. X amount of dollars is earmarked for Joe the plumber till I die. But who knows?..maybe the situation deteriorates and I do take a hit but before that happens future retirees at YRC and ABF could be facing rather significant reductions in your pension if you're not close to thirty years now. Don't listen to the Dockers crap about me and YRC forum. I'm just here to stalk him and nail him with facts..he don't know diddle

You really are a piece of work...you know that troll! Here you go making a light situation of the fact that 30,000 plus of your fellow Teamsters lost their jobs and the fact that the ones who are still working are getting screwed all because of this man who you still have the audacity to stick up for and to actually admire him for his brilliance...but...like you say...it's all Ok because 25,000 still have a job.And you wonder why you are not welcome on your own YRC forum...you can just be happy that you aren't banned from that forum...or are you?

You really should be flushed down the toilet...because you are a piece of ****!!!!!!!!!!
Don't listen to the Dockers crap about me and YRC forum. I'm just here to stalk him

Remember sleazeball...you admitted that you came here to just cause trouble...so don't go crying and whining when you get insulted...you came looking for trouble and now you have found it!!!!

You are one arrogant...stupid...lying...troubling making...cowardly...selfish...hateful troll!!!!

So get ready...I'll show you what happens when someone stalks me at my own home punk!!!!
I get the pension I get because I did the time..33 years pension credits. I earned it. Lucky me I got no help from people working now at YRC or ABF.

How about all those other Teamsters before you that fought so hard and sacrificed so much so that you could have a pension to earn...you low life piece of crap!
Listen up here now Joey...don't get me wrong either...it's not that I'm mad at you stalking me here because I'm not...I just want it to be known that you are the one that came looking to make trouble...are we clear on that? So you better be able to take it like a man! Although I am mad about one thing...at myself to tell you the truth because I do usually respect my elders but in your case that would be impossible...no matter how hard I seem to look...there's absolutely nothing there to respect...nothing!
You come here to stalk me and this is the best you can do...lol You really are a pathetic loser...and yes...you are a hateful troll...that's not an insult...it's a fact.You show disrespect for your YRC Teamsters...spread you hate and contempt for the ABF Teamsters...don't even acknowledge what the Teamsters of the past have sacrificed so you could earn that pension by claiming that it was you alone that earned your pension and for what...so you can praise a man that single handily has done more harm to your brothers than anyone in history and made a small fortune doing it.And here you are worshiping him and at the same time you are reaping the rewards of our union and now disrespect that union all for your pal Billy. So...tell me again how it's just too bad for those 40,000 fellow YRC Teamsters...how it was you and you alone that was responsible for you receiving that great pension of yours and just how great and smart that pal Billy of yours is.

I see that you also have to give yourself praise again...tell me...is that because of your arrogance or your insecurity? Maybe both? You are not only a hateful troll but a sad little insecure one to boot.
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Well Joe like I said in post #42 Docker speaks his mind, you want Docker you can't handle the Docker! Just like in the movie with Tom Curise. Be careful what you wish for, just a word of advice.