XPO | Con-Way and Union Organization Efforts


In June of 2011 this site was filled with organizing activity at a couple of our service centers. For those who were not watching or contributing at that time can do a quick forum search using "Columbus" and "Union" to find the activity from that discussion on this site. At that time the discussion of organizing on the Con-Way site was limited to those considered employees, all other discussions were sent to the Union vs Non-Union general sites... what changed?

When a company wants to evaluate the level of employee engagement within their ranks most hire a specialized third-party company to build a questionnaire for the employees to complete. The best of the third-parties look at years of service, age of employee, and job classification to create a profile for each employee. These elements are critical in determining the wants, needs, and beliefs of each employee. These same three personal elements are critical to the current organizing efforts. The change in our operating model that occurred in January created a ripple effect that caused the most dramatic change in the company culture ever experienced within our company. I think most agree that engagement among the drivers is at an all time low and while there are changes occurring, a collaborative leadership team would be / should be more involved with their employees.

Examine your individual service center and compare two groups of data;

1) In August of 2013 what was the average age, length of service in years, and job class for each hourly worker?

2) Currently (August 2014) what is the average age, length of service in years, and job class for each hourly worker?

It is important to understand that there are new employees, including some inexperienced, non-skilled workers that can determine your future within this company based on their ability to organize third-party representation. With three generations involved in our workplace it is also important to understand who are the "entitlement generation" individuals and how they look at life's challenges, goals, and achievements differently than you.

So if you believe a third-party's involvement in this company is needed, then do your home work. Research the efforts to organize Overnite Transportation, research pensions, research, research, research. Google "new union organizing strategies" to see if their visions for your future align with yours. Ask yourself what you want from a contract with your employer. Are your reasons for representation the same as your fellow worker? Organizers will ask the right questions to get the right answers for you to steer yourself to the conclusion that their way is a better way.

I had many years in the union with a previous employer. I worked with Overnite drivers daily during the organizing efforts that put union picketers in front of customer's entrances when the Overnite driver arrived. In 1994 I was considered a "****" as I did what I was paid to do, deliver and pickup freight. But striking drivers were allowed to operate trucks for other union carriers that were not on strike and those drivers were not *****... I failed to see the difference.

Whether you are in Texas or Indiana, from start to finish organizing really means negotiating. You will negotiate not only with your employer but also your fellow worker. You better have a clear focused understanding of your fellow employee's "best interests" and be ready to fight for yours. And, you are not organizing the company, you are organizing your facility. Do you believe a traditional pension is your goal?, think again and do the research, most will fail within ten years. Medical benefits and costs? Blame the government not your employer. I personally know Holland Freight drivers who retired and then had to go back to work for another carrier to continue benefits for their family. Contracts are changing in this ever-changing world. Stolen vacation?, I have never experienced any decline in the amount of time off determined by my years of service. We have and we continue to see change within the company Be careful how much of social change you blame on your employer. And, if you sign that card be sure it represents factual change opportunities regarding the relationship between you and your employer.

my opinion, please respect it as that and I will respect yours
I have had discussions with jeff. I have taken the liberty of copying the response he posted in the fed-ex forum, as they are going through the same process:
"To Those Complaining to me in emails....

I own and operate a message forum that is open to the public and the content is driven by the public.

Some people are emailing me upset that Union content is allowed here but I cannot and will not censor the thoughts of others, Truckingboards is for the exchange of information affecting our jobs and people have the right to talk about what they want that concerns them as long as they do it in a civil manner

Hot Topics change daily, This is a hot topic for many now

As big as Truckingboards is, we only represent a small fraction of the people who work here, Truckingboards is not the cause of this agenda either succeeding or failing, we are just a website but we can't censor the thoughts of others.

Please just ignore the topics you don't like and move on to the ones you like.

Truckingboards as a website does not carry the water FOR or AGAINST the Union, We are PRO Truck Driver."

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. As merdock said, respect his opinion against the union, and respect those that are pro union. Keep it civil, no personal attacks. Attack the content of a persons post, not the person.
Good to hear from you Merdock. Another well written essay. Your experience is irreplaceable. Thank you for sharing your perspective.