Cool Inventions And Ideas

I witnessed one day in the blessed State of Maryland a Pothole repair crew.

At 8 the orange pickup truck with white tie and suit boss plus silver hardhat manager hopped out. Both walked over to examine a 2 foot by 4 foot 1 foot deep pothole in the left turn lane at a light prior to a divided highway. They stand there and talk.

840 am one dump truck pulls up with a 4 crew cab, they come out. Cones slowly populate the street.

More talking at pothole. At 910 the first ruler comes out and begins to measure the hole.

4 more pickups show up some towing trailers with traffic signs. Another hour goes by getting all them deployed.

Finally the hot mix truck and gravel truck plus another dump towing a heavy equiptment digger and a yet one more towing a steel wheel attachment. another hour goes by. Flaggers now have multipled to 6.

Now its almost noon.

4 bosses show up in a state car. They are suits strictly. Stand around like chiefs surveying the place. A van pulls up with a labor force picks and shovels etc.

At noon all break for lunch. Leaving the flaggers to herd the cars.

At 1:10 the first cut is made in the street. I estimated now about 30 personel are engaged in this particular pothole. The next trucks show up and the hole is eventually filled at 3.

They slowly break down until only two flaggers and several cones are still standing at 430.

One little pothole.