TForce | Disappointed

overnite were liars then and they have not changed their me motor cargo was a seperately help company held by the union pacific railroad. When I sold my motor cargo stock I had it converted to railroad stock and not overnite stock. overnite never bought or owned anything, and they still don't.

Motor Cargo was a small company that was purchased by Overnite, but if your denial is what helps you through the day, then OK!!!
overnite did not have the right to buy a hot dog stand. they did what the rail told them to do. better do some research the railroad bought motor cargo and held it as a private company...11 western states I guess overnite should have learned something from that, a million dollars a day is more that ups freight is making now in all states.....
overnite did not have the right to buy a hot dog stand. they did what the rail told them to do. better do some research the railroad bought motor cargo and held it as a private company...11 western states I guess overnite should have learned something from that, a million dollars a day is more that ups freight is making now in all states.....
Motor Cargo and Overnite are both a thing of the past, gone and aint coming back!!
I just wish I could honestly say thats a good thing..
Oh my theoriginalwebidiot,you sir sound to me like one mighty bitter individual.
Take my advice cheer up and give it your best,life is to short to be bitter.

I'll throw in a good Bible verse that I hope will help you out.

Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart does good like a medicine,but a broken spirit dries the bones.
In plan english your much better off viewing the bright side of everything,as depression will take you to an early grave.