FedEx Freight | Does anyone have any thoughts on how the reconfiguration will play out?

36,000 employees @ FRT. 4% will be affected. ( 1,440 ) One big cluster ^%$* from what I was told. Only the UPPER management know the grits of it but time will tell.

1440 dock workers aint a bad number. the uppers dont know:::shit::: until they are told by the REAL upper aceholes.
Guardrail said:
He didn't say she(?) got in. Once she(?) saw the Beerbelly, she bolted the other way.

Shiiiiiiittttt driver. She/he saw one look at this real man and sparks flew
We seem to be overstaffed in Florida. Waiting to see how this all pans out. The bottom 2 linehaul gentelmen cancelled at least one day every week. The city averages 30 to 35 hours every week.
Fact check:

1. There's not 36,000 employees at Freight. Closer to 30.
2. 19,000 of those are drivers.
3. Maybe 11,000 of those are road drivers.
4. 4% of 11,000 is 440, a long way from 1,440. Like, 1,000 away.

well we have around 470 terminals , that is a good average that maybe only 1 person per terminal might loose their job.:732::mf_swordfight::grouphug:
Get with the new program driver. We no longer have terminals, we have service centers where we service our customers, their freight, and our associates.