FedEx Freight | Driver Appreciation Week


TB Veteran
Since our ccm and Al R didn't mention it in our 1 1/2 hr non U meeting last night, congrads go out from ME to all us drivers as this is Truck Driver Appreciation Week ! :rockon: :USA: :thumbsup: :beerchug:
Thanks Volare and I also thank the rest of us fine drivers for making FXF the great company it is. They can't do it without us troops.
Smokestack :USA:
Being new to FXFE ,in the last 4weeks I had the "U" de-programming presentation 3 separate times....1. at the end dock training.
2.On the last day of driver training. a special meeting this week... " I get it !" I'm totally brainwashed OK please dontmake me sit through another Independant by choice presentation ! Please....:sleep:
Yeah, we celebrated driver depreciation week in my neck of the woods with an anti union meeting also! We can at least pat eachother on the back, we know how hard we work.
I got gloves from FXFE and a cookie from a customer .
Mmmmmm cookies ............
A billion dollar company that has very little imagination when it comes to driver appreciation week. Wish they would create more things than a pair of gloves and a stale meeting.
When I first started at Viking Freight they did a lot of things for the drivers during Truck Driver Appreciation Week. Somewhere along the way we lost the Truck Driver part of that and gained the word Employee. The benefits of this week remained pretty much the same until this year. Instead of doing something every day they dropped it to Monday Wednesday and Friday. I am not carping about any of these changes, just making an observation. Cause I feel just as appreciated at the end of this week as I do every day of the year. :bananalama: Just remember the whole thing was started by a bunch of truck stop owners trying to get us to come in and spend our money at their establishment. By the way, do any of you remember the big party Boomtown used to have for drivers every year. Those were the days.
Trailer Trash said:
When I first started at Viking Freight they did a lot of things for the drivers during Truck Driver Appreciation Week. Somewhere along the way we lost the Truck Driver part of that and gained the word Employee. The benefits of this week remained pretty much the same until this year. Instead of doing something every day they dropped it to Monday Wednesday and Friday. I am not carping about any of these changes, just making an observation. Cause I feel just as appreciated at the end of this week as I do every day of the year. :bananalama: Just remember the whole thing was started by a bunch of truck stop owners trying to get us to come in and spend our money at their establishment. By the way, do any of you remember the big party Boomtown used to have for drivers every year. Those were the days.
We are associates.....with numbers. :poster_stupid:
Words will change but a driver will always be a driver. I have listened to all the speeches from the top and when they use the word fun, here is their chance to make it happen. If it's a day then so be it. One experience I had was that the company bought everyone a nice embroided jacket and then picked up the tab for lunch. The place was sky high.
It doesn't take much. We now have an award for 1,000,000 miles driven safely. Eveyone loves it. The only problem is we can wear it at work because of the uniform policy. There was one year at Viking when we set a record for the most mile between accidents for the year. Viking bought commerative jackets for every line driver who went accident free that year. That jacket became a kind of uniform because, everyone who had one, wore it all the time. Pride in an acheivement recognized and rewarded goes a long ways towards creating "Esprit de Corps" than anything else I can think of.
Trailer Trash said:
When I first started at Viking Freight they did a lot of things for the drivers during Truck Driver Appreciation Week. Somewhere along the way we lost the Truck Driver part of that and gained the word Employee. The benefits of this week remained pretty much the same until this year. Instead of doing something every day they dropped it to Monday Wednesday and Friday. I am not carping about any of these changes, just making an observation. Cause I feel just as appreciated at the end of this week as I do every day of the year. :bananalama: Just remember the whole thing was started by a bunch of truck stop owners trying to get us to come in and spend our money at their establishment. By the way, do any of you remember the big party Boomtown used to have for drivers every year. Those were the days.
Hmmmmmmmm Here at Watkins we have food provided 24/7 the whole week at all the break bulks(majors centers) for all the employees and drivers. All i've read on this site is how every thing is going to be so much better yet every time i turn around i'm reading about issues that I left in my former employment that we do not have here at Watkins. I agree FX will grow the freight and such but the more i watch the more I am convinced that everything will not be better, just bigger.
Wait a minute I am appreciated by who. By my management,really, thats how you show appreciation. huh I have been doing it wrong all this time.
heres a pair of gloves now get to work.

On monday a pair of gloves was thrown at us now get to work said our ccm.
And then on Friday we had a anti union meeting put us an hour behind in the morning.
Now I would like to here from the other side.It's only fair play we heard all the cons on unions now lets hear the pros.
Not going to happen.