For me picnics and party's are pleasure, Con-way is business. I don't mix the two. Its nothing against anyone personally its just the way I am.

I kind of feel the same way. My life is so busy that I really don't have the time to socialize with people at work. Have enough going on.
:hide: Many moons ago, when I fell into the Con-Way trap, I wanted to become a sales rep.
After seeing how they treat their sales reps, NO WAY!
Next, I thought of becoming an FOS, " I have dock supervision experience "
After watching a couple of my fellow drivers going to FOS and coming back to driver status, I realized that this was not the way to go.
To this day, I am a lowly driver, and would not have it any other way!:smilie_132:
Anybody ever seen or talked to a DSR who became FOS?
As far as starting pay, is there any considerations of what he made when he was a driver? Any other information as far as vacation or benefits if its any different would be appreciated. i know they get a bigger ICP?

It's for a friend...

don't do it !! I drove for 11 years and have been a fos for 5 years. I was senior guy at our barn and was talked into doing it by a scm that is long gone . LESS MONEY , MORE HOURS,MORE "BS" ETC ... TREATED LIKE A STEP CHILD:eck13:
oh my god boxboss did you just use the c word here on the east coast that is a big no-no it's a holiday dinner you can't even use the the c word when talking about it
that fos sure sounds very unhappy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! may the freight gods lead him in the right direction good luck!!!!!!
don't do it !! I drove for 11 years and have been a fos for 5 years. I was senior guy at our barn and was talked into doing it by a scm that is long gone . LESS MONEY , MORE HOURS,MORE "BS" ETC ... TREATED LIKE A STEP CHILD:eck13:

I knew there was a reason why the :Bondage:FOS's treat the drivers like children
Yeah, you'll have to go to the picnic....that's a tragedy...eating burgers and playing softball...demand extra pay for that..you will also have to attend the Christmas party...that's totally unfair...good meal, drinking and dancing...the TDCs..??? Been going for 11 years, at least 2 events a year, and wouldn't miss them, nor would my spouse or my sons, and I don't make them go...you may have to flip some pancakes, or cook sausage, or make snow cones for the kids...get some good rest before that punishment..
You will probably enjoy starting your weekends on Friday rather than Saturday, and because I know your location and that it is a good service center, with an SCM who treats people fairly, your days will probably be limited to 9-10 hours...you will probably have to attend one or two weekend meetings a year, depending on the region, for about 5 hours each..and while I am sure most here believe you will be starting at about 500 per week, there are those here, current and past, that know better...

Enjoy the new position, and your chance to make a big difference at the FACs your service center runs to...having chatted with you for over a year now, I know you will make a difference..

You know, going to a picnic would not be a tragedy but if you are forced to it is. Take all the time going to picnics that you really didn't want to go to and all the other extra time you put in and divide that time into your salary and see how that compares. We still have Christmas parties? Down here we have a "holiday dinner" served at the service center. That's it! Now, maybe I would like to have a good time at a Christmas party but I would have to go to work somewhere else to do that.
I've known a lot of managers and have been told by more than a few that they hate the Xmas parties and the cookouts.

I don't much care for Conway social gatherings either. Those are the days that the managers and the supervisors want to be your best friend......for that day.
At the first it was fun going to the parties and picnics. Meeting families of the others, some going on to become friends. Easy in smaller towns. We had a lot of laughs, fun and wives telling of something dumb their drivers do at home. Men had fun with the stories their wives told, unless it was against themselves.

I'm still trying to get past the guy who's wife painted all of his toe nails a different color while he was asleep so she could pick a color for her finger nails. LOL!!

But with the enhancements has come attitudes of who gives a :::shit::: and I miss the old days of everyone getting along better.
At the first it was fun going to the parties and picnics. Meeting families of the others, some going on to become friends. Easy in smaller towns. We had a lot of laughs, fun and wives telling of something dumb their drivers do at home. Men had fun with the stories their wives told, unless it was against themselves.

I'm still trying to get past the guy who's wife painted all of his toe nails a different color while he was asleep so she could pick a color for her finger nails. LOL!!

But with the enhancements has come attitudes of who gives a :::shit::: and I miss the old days of everyone getting along better.

There were always personalities that didn't get along but you're right, what is gone is that sense of camaraderie and team. Too bad as that positive attitude (my guess) paid back a good ROI in many arenas.