R&L | Dunkirk, NY R+L Freight bridge 11 foot 8. The trailer was Damaged

There is no way that bridge was 11'8''....It may have been marked that, but if it was 11'8", the bridge would have taken the whole fairing off the top of the truck, and maybe even into the windshield..

Probably was about 13'3'' IMO!!! Bad day for the driver for sure, hope he keeps his job...

I know when I worked for R&L, drivers did much worse than this, and were barely smaked on the hand for it..
All bridges in New York State are marked 12" higher than they actually are..Been like that as long as I have been driving.. No one can actually give you a reason other that it is measured at the curb..Also have been told it has to do with the railroads but that wouldn't account for the same measurements on their parkways..
Of course he'll keep his job. There's drivers here that have done far stupider things and still work here.