XPO | Easter

He's attempting to say that you all are a bunch of f'n donkeys , and his azz is always on fire ...
Pinche Bad Spanglish Chico blanco .

That's exactly what happens when you try to using google translate to be cute. Bad Spanglish.
That's exactly what happens when you try to using google translate to be cute. Bad Spanglish.

Rosetta Stone works much better but if its to expensive and time consuming he's more then welcome to come on down south by the border and ill teach him Tex-Mex for free . And there ain't no Taco Bell 'chalupa' language centers down here , this is the real deal !
Rosetta Stone works much better but if its to expensive and time consuming he's more then welcome to come on down south by the border and ill teach him Tex-Mex for free . And there ain't no Taco Bell 'chalupa' language centers down here , this is the real deal !
I am a Gringo for life!!!! Mi culo Es el fuego from all the a@$ humping I get here at Conway. No tengo horas. My name is jimmy and I love xme because they treat me with respect y mucho amor. I run xcw todas las noches. Mucho trabajo poco dinero
Amor xcw porque me hace feliz
J.n (xme):bananag::33::hysterical::guiness::guinesssmilie:
I am a Gringo for life!!!! Mi culo Es el fuego from all the a@$ humping I get here at Conway. No tengo horas. My name is jimmy and I love xme because they treat me with respect y mucho amor. I run xcw todas las noches. Mucho trabajo poco dinero
Amor xcw porque me hace feliz
J.n (xme):bananag::33::hysterical::guiness::guinesssmilie:
Now this is the definition of Spanglish half English and half Spanish mixed into one , and I agree the lack of hours would cause anyone's arse to burst out into flames but it's good to know that someone's humping for Conway because it's sure not me anymore . On the other hand I would concur that respect and love goes along way if and when someone can be granted this option from a manager . Now To the fortunate few that maintains good nightly runs also shows much love for money as do I . I'm sure xme and wherever u go at night just loves to see the smiling gringo show up ready for hard labor pounding the rock of love !
Tener un buen dia ... El Blanquito
Now this is the definition of Spanglish half English and half Spanish mixed into one , and I agree the lack of hours would cause anyone's arse to burst out into flames but it's good to know that someone's humping for Conway because it's sure not me anymore . On the other hand I would concur that respect and love goes along way if and when someone can be granted this option from a manager . Now To the fortunate few that maintains good nightly runs also shows much love for money as do I . I'm sure xme and wherever u go at night just loves to see the smiling gringo show up ready for hard labor pounding the rock of love !
Tener un buen dia ... El Blanquito

I own xcw. I hate xmd driver bruiser porque llora como una Nina. I'll do the XML via so xme won't do it. Grown @$s man crying like mi ninos. Pinche viejito pudrido. Mi verga quiere muchos besos Sr bruiser. I love when you look up at me and tell me you love me. AJUA!!! MI CULO ES EL FUEGO!!!!!:Fart::flame::Fart::flame::Fart::flame:
I own xcw. I hate xmd driver bruiser porque llora como una Nina. I'll do the XML via so xme won't do it. Grown @$s man crying like mi ninos. Pinche viejito pudrido. Mi verga quiere muchos besos Sr bruiser. I love when you look up at me and tell me you love me. AJUA!!! MI CULO ES EL FUEGO!!!!!:Fart::flame::Fart::flame::Fart::flame:

Geeze ....Pancho Villa , with a few more Spanglish lessons you'll be able to start your own full blown Mexican revolution with that xmd driver, since you've slipped into bandido territory just don't do the machete dance like the cartel does down here, or when he starts being whiny and crying like a little kid just offer up a pacifier and have him look up and smile ..!!